British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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YHOA Night League, 17/12/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Medium (length: 3.9km, climb: 110m, 15 controls)

Other courses: Long | Short

Point calculations
1,079.72 + (98.23 x (3,343.68 - T)) / 671.69
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1John DempseyM199600:35:111260
2Steve WhiteheadEBORM195100:38:401229
3Louise AdamsINTF199800:39:361221
4Ryan ElliotSYOM200000:40:481211
5Nigel OwensSYOM196600:41:561201
6Paul TaylorSYOM196500:44:141181
7Matt WhiteLEIM196700:45:211171
8Mike PedleyEPOCM196000:47:111155
9Emma HarrisonEPOCF197200:50:301126
10Megan HarrisonEPOCF199900:53:231100
11Steve DempseySYOM196300:55:501079
12Janet AdamsSYOF196300:57:031068
13Viv BarracloughEPOCF197400:57:311064
14Amanda CrawshawSYOF197000:59:071050
15Helen GardnerEBORF195000:59:571043
16Sian CalowSROCF196101:00:351037
17Eloise WrightCLOKF199601:01:091032
18Gill AdamsAIREF196101:02:471018
19Chris BurdenAIREM194801:03:211013
20Allen BarnesCLAROM194201:04:55999
21Henry MarstonSYOM194601:05:47991
22Jackie BarnesCLAROF194601:07:45974
23Jacqueline EmbreySROCF195801:09:54955
24Jane HodgsonWAROCF196901:12:37932
25John ElliottEPOCM196101:12:44931
26Jacky DakinSYOF196101:15:09909
-Yasmin FieldHALOF199901:45:50
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27