British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Allestree Urban Event, EMUL 2019, 16/06/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
5 - WUV (length: 3.5km, climb: 70m, 12 controls)

Other courses: 6 - MJ | 4 - MUV | 3 - MSV | 2 - MV | 1 - MO | 7 - MYJ
Point calculations
813.33 + (125.03 x (2,785.06 - T)) / 545.77
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Sheila CareyODF194600:33:17994
2Liz GodfreeFVOF194800:33:34990
3Jane BookerNOCF195400:36:44946
4Hilary PalmerNOCF194700:36:54944
5Viv MacdonaldDVOF195200:39:44905
6John PalmerNOCM194600:42:13871
7Chris O'DonnellDVOM196800:42:45864
8Karin KirkODF194700:43:55848
9Neal BlatherwickINDM000000:44:40
10Karen BedwellDVOF196900:45:16829
11Ranald MacdonaldDVOM195200:46:02819
12Margaret KeelingDVOF194700:46:45809
13Rosie ShawSMOCF195000:47:30798
14Jackie BarnesCLAROF194600:48:02791
15Jen GaleDVOF194600:48:52780
16Maureen WebbLEIF195300:49:47767
17Jenny CollyerSOSF194500:50:51752
18Zara RogersLOCF199300:55:43686
19Christine MiddletonDVOF194600:56:41672
20Laurie FluckLEIM194700:57:37659
21Roger KeelingDVOM194301:10:15486
Showing results 1 - 21 of 21