British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Scottish Junior Cup - Round 2, 29/08/2021

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Blue (length: 6.05km, climb: 155m, 17 controls)

Other courses: Short Brown | Green | Light Green | Orange | Long | Medium | Short
Point calculations
1,166.32 + (101.24 x (3,532.58 - T)) / 704.45
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1James HammondM200600:40:15
2Adam BarrieM200500:41:061320
3Jonas NeweyMAROCM200500:41:461314
4Jamie LightfootSYOM200500:45:291282
5Angus LairdINVOCM200600:48:03
6Rachel BrownEUOCF200300:50:271239
7Sam HuntFVOM200600:55:22
8Michael BishendenMORM200600:55:54
9Maya Hampshire WrightNNF200400:56:411185
10Samuel BartlettINTM200500:59:411159
11Lizzie StansfieldEUOCF200201:00:421151
12Callum HudsonM200401:03:571123
13Elizabeth HorslerWIMF200301:06:321100
14Aimee DarleySNF200301:07:231093
15Alex ElliotSYOF200301:13:341040
16Ben POLWARTFVOM200301:19:13991
17Fiona EadesINTF200401:23:49951
18Andrew TwiggFVOM200601:54:42
Showing results 1 - 18 of 18