British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Pembrokeshire Weekend - Urban Event Tenby, 25/09/2022

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
2 (length: 8.1km, climb: 180m, 35 controls)

Other courses: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Point calculations
1,173.03 + (98.91 x (3,716.62 - T)) / 506.40
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Rhys ManningSWOCM198200:49:061324
2Christopher LewisSBOCM197300:50:271308
3Scott BaileyBOKM197200:51:561290
4Tim BrittonBOKM197900:52:221285
5Alistair PowellODM197800:52:501280
6Terence Desmond DickinsonBAOCM198200:54:261261
7Clare DallimoreSWOCF198800:54:301260
8Andrew SnellSOCM197400:55:411246
9Paul GebbettBOKM196900:57:531221
10Jolyon MedlockWSXM197400:58:071218
11Paul FoxSNM196201:00:581184
12Matthew LeathwoodBOKM197401:02:361165
13Tony UdrisSYOM196901:03:201157
14Dan Findlay-RobinsonWCHM198101:03:241156
15Vanessa LawsonNGOCF197101:03:451152
16Robin KendallSAXM196701:04:291143
17Ifor PowellBOKM196801:05:071136
18Rob WoodsRAFOM196901:05:181134
19Bronwen ManselSUFFOCF199801:05:201133
20Kerina LakeSBOCF197801:05:561126
21Richard PowellWAOCM197601:06:091124
22Rob HickWSXM196001:07:001114
23Saskia JonesSWOCF200101:08:521092
24Zuzana WindsorDRONGOF199201:09:071089
25Debbie ManningSWOCF199201:09:261085
26Robin BishopTVOCM196701:11:441058
27Cherlotte Ellis000001:25:09
28Kate O'SullivanSBOCF196401:25:55892
29Simon BranfordWIMM197901:28:03867
30Russell ClarkeIND198001:29:28
31Dave DenningBOKM196701:30:09842
-Andrew EvansDFOKM195501:00:33
Showing results 1 - 32 of 32