British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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MOR - Scottish Orienteering Urban League Event - Burghead (SOUL 8), 22/09/2024

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
2 (length: 4.95km, climb: 130m, 23 controls)

Other courses: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Point calculations
1,156.34 + (123.43 x (2,943.92 - T)) / 829.07
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Will HensmanFVOM197900:33:491293
2Laurence CloadINVOCM197800:35:181279
3Dominic EdwardFVOM197900:35:301278
4Charlotte-Rose BurtonINVOCF200700:41:141226
5Alison CampbellSTAGF199100:42:101218
6Stuart ThompsonINVOCM197900:43:301206
7Ben HolmesMORM198400:43:301206
8Alastair RossMORM198400:43:341205
9Steven ScottBOFM197300:44:461195
10Dougal LamontINVOCM197100:45:201190
11Neil CrookstonMORM198400:46:451177
12Scarlett BritainMORF200700:47:371169
13Laura HendrieFVOF199500:47:381169
14Sophie HowardMORF200800:49:251153
15Adrian WillGRAMPM197400:53:181119
16Simon FinchFVOM197900:54:581104
17Mark ChristieM197400:56:14
18Jennifer HumphreysF200300:59:55
19Iona ScottINVOCF200801:06:50998
20Kenneth McDonaldINVOCM197001:10:20966
21David EssonGRAMPM197901:24:06843
-Mark JohnstonFVOM197200:39:23
-Scott BaikieFVOM197500:45:11
Showing results 1 - 23 of 23