British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Day 2 (Individual), 03/04/2010

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Sebastian SafkaSK KameniceM200100:10:15
2Lucy TongeBOKF200000:10:46
3Rachel PotterBOKF200100:10:48
4Evie ConwayAIREF200200:11:31
5Sarah PedleySOCF200100:11:50
6Samuel LeitchEUOCM200100:13:35
7John GetliffM200100:14:00
8Vaclav ValasekSK KameniceM200100:14:06
9Wilf ThompsonBOKM200100:14:15
10Alexander MitchellHOCM200200:14:18
11Joe FieldHALOM200100:14:20
12Millie StaggBOKF200000:14:21
13Sarah DuckworthDVOF200100:14:21
14Oliver BrettCHIGM200100:14:34
15Laura HarrisonEPOCF200100:15:39
16Daniel BenjaminBOKM200100:17:03
17Alice WilsonCLYDEF200200:17:33
18Laoise RyanCNOCF200100:20:03
19Sebastian MitchellHOCM200400:21:45
20Egil FrydenlundIF SturlaM200100:21:46
21Ronan SahniSYOM200100:24:04
22Matthew JacksonDVOM200100:26:47
23William ThomasMWOCM200100:47:36
24Holly StodgellSTUOCF200300:56:21
-Harry StaggBOKM200200:12:42
Showing results 1 - 25 of 25