British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Lydiard & W. Swindon Urban, 12/07/2014

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Veteran Women (W40+) (length: 6.4km, climb: 55m, 27 controls)

Other courses: Men Open | B Course - Other | Veteran Men (M40+) | Women Open | D Course - Other | Super Veteran Women (W55+) | Ultra Veteran Men (M65+) | E Course - Other | Ultra Veteran Women (W65+) | F Course - Other | Junior Men (M16-) | Junior Women (W16-) | G Course - Other | Young Junior Men (M12-)

Point calculations
1,040.95 + (134.72 x (4,592.42 - T)) / 1,027.30
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Peter JonesSNM195600:50:571242
2Mike FrizzellBADOM195800:55:451205
3Rachel LeathwoodBOKF197300:55:471204
4Alun JonesTVOCM195400:56:231200
5John OrtonNWOM195400:57:531188
6Keith TonkinBLM195800:58:471181
7Don McKerrowSLOWM195201:00:011171
8Gary MillsTVOCM195501:02:351151
9Mike JamesBAOCM01:06:33
10Robin SmithSOM195201:07:251113
11Adell CooperNWOF196101:08:501102
12John BriggsBKOM195801:09:121099
13John DuffieldHHM194701:17:581030
14Laurence GossageBOKM195001:18:551022
15Mike BraySNM195501:20:391009
16Paul TauntonNGOCM195001:21:151004
17Jon WheatcroftTVOCM195201:22:12996
18Neil FraserNWOM196101:22:26995
19Phil WarryBOKM195301:25:11973
20Sue ParkerBKOF196001:25:32970
21Serena LudfordBADOF196401:26:15965
22Peter MorganINDM01:27:41
23Gwen TannerBOKF196001:29:17941
24Caroline PotterBOKF196201:30:50928
25Eoin SharkeyINDM01:32:41
26Martin LightNWOM195801:36:12886
27Mike ElliotMVM195101:41:04848
28Rich KeningtonBOKM195401:45:35812
29Tim WestcottINDM01:45:55
30Sharon WarlandTAYF196501:59:56700
-Toni WhittleBKOF197001:01:14
-David JukesBKOM195201:03:23
-Andrew GrahamSARUMM195501:13:33
-Colin GodboldBKOM195701:25:39
Showing results 1 - 34 of 34