British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CLOK Regional event, 14/02/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Green (length: 4km, climb: 110m, 13 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
997.28 + (117.75 x (4,150.30 - T)) / 976.43
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alexander LinesHHM199500:32:451261
2Steve WhiteheadEBORM195100:39:031215
3Christopher ToopEBORM197300:45:311168
4Rebecca AspinSOCF200000:55:001100
5Barrie SpeakeEBORM194100:59:121069
6Karen ClarkEBORF195500:59:541064
7Adrian LedgerNATOM196401:03:221039
8Graham CapperSROCM195801:04:401030
9Bill GriffithsBOFM195101:05:141026
10Chris PennyAIREM196201:06:031020
11Paul SimmonsHALOM195101:06:321016
12Simon BrookCLOKM195601:08:201003
13jill smithEBORF195401:10:44986
14Thomas AspinCLOKM200101:11:19
15John GreenCLOKM197201:11:21982
16Alexandra HareNATOF200101:13:16
17Boris SpenceNNM195401:14:08961
18Trevor PeacockCLOKM196901:14:23960
19Paul ChapmanCLOKM01:16:00
20Peter ArcherCLOKM194601:16:04947
21Nicky MassonMVF196401:21:42907
22Caroline MackenzieCLOKF196301:21:49906
23Isla MathiesonCLOKF196501:22:29901
24Barry HarrisonCLOKM193901:25:07882
25Jackie BarnesCLAROF194601:28:05860
26Arthur ClarkeCLAROM195001:41:41762
-Louise DunnSROCF196001:06:55
-Martin AdamsonCLOKM194201:14:55
-Mary RackNATOF195901:16:28
-Dave AllisonCLOKM193801:18:25
Showing results 1 - 30 of 30