British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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ELO Local Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians, 28/04/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Orange (length: 2.5km, climb: 10m, 15 controls)

Other courses: Green | Light Green | Yellow | White

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Shona LeeW199700:20:01
2Hanne RobertsonESOCF197000:21:02
3Paul BurnsM197300:21:34
4Ellie DarlowRRF200700:22:22
5Emily AtkinsonELOF200800:22:37
6James HammondFVOM200600:25:18
7Gabriel, Rudi & Matthew000000:25:39
8Benji EdmondsonELOM200500:25:47
9Megan BrownESOCF200800:26:03
10Kenny Gunn-RussellESOCM195800:30:10
11Fairfull FamilyELO000000:31:04
12Janet ClarkESOCF194100:32:40
13Colin RileyELOM200600:37:34
14Robb CampbellM196300:40:01
15Freya EdmondsonF200700:45:13
16Rebecca BarronELOW200800:45:56
17Amelia LeishmanELOF200700:48:04
18Bradley BarronELOM200800:49:51
19Fran HumphreyESOCF195000:50:47
20Logan Family000000:54:51
21Nora VitaliELOW198300:54:58
22Richard WebbM196300:56:26
-Liz & Amelie VernonESOC 000000:46:53
Showing results 1 - 23 of 23