British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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White Rose Sprint, 27/08/2016

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
COURSE 4 (length: 1.4km, climb: 20m, 14 controls)

Other courses: COURSE 1 | COURSE 2 | COURSE 3
Point calculations
824.23 + (121.42 x (1,349.53 - T)) / 351.11
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Euan TrynerSYOM200400:10:12
2Jake O'DonnellDVOM200600:11:20
3Imogen PietersSYOF200500:11:26
4Freya TrynerSYOF200700:12:22
5Sheila CareyODF194600:13:271012
6Liz GodfreeFVOF194800:13:441006
7Judy JohnsonBLF195100:14:28991
8Benedict SandersonNATOM200600:14:43
9Jasper CollyerGOM200500:15:19
10Ella May RushBOKF200600:18:01
11Carol SandsBOKF195100:19:36884
12Sue BicknellLEIF194400:19:39883
13Oscar SandersonNATOM200800:20:28
14Ben O'DonnellDVOM200400:20:35
15Maria GainesBLF200800:20:41
16Emma Van DamHALOF200400:20:50
17Alison SlomanHOCF193600:20:58856
18Gill RossEPOCF194800:21:25847
19Hilary SimpsonODF193900:23:04812
20Jen GaleDVOF194600:23:13809
21Isabel GainesBLF200600:23:13
22Julie BrookMDOCF194700:24:08790
23Rosalind TauntonNGOCF195000:24:27784
24Jenny CollyerSOSF194500:24:28783
25Mary CarrickHALOF194900:29:05687
26Sue BirkinshawMDOCF193700:31:52630
27Margaret ParkerAIREF194600:33:49589
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27