British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Birmingham University Urban UKUL 2018 & WMUL 2018, 17/06/2018

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at www.harl

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
4 MV WO (length: 5.75km, climb: 125m, 38 controls)

Other courses: 1 YJ | 2 J,8 WHV | 3 MO | 5 MSV WV | 6 MUV WSV | 7 MHV WUV

Point calculations
1,090.10 + (168.95 x (3,187.92 - T)) / 864.59
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Charlotte WattsHALOF199200:36:071290
2Duncan HarrisDEEM196600:39:011256
3Jon CrossFVOM196700:41:281227
4David AldridgeHOCM197800:41:421224
5Robert BambrookODM197300:43:221205
6Trevor HindleMDOCM196400:43:301203
7David HuntBOKM196000:43:401201
8Tony UdrisSYOM196900:43:571198
9Tereza Maria RushBOKF197900:44:461188
10Allan WilliamsWCHM196900:46:441165
11Clive RichardsonWREM196600:46:451165
12Laura HindleFVOF199800:47:061161
13Ian HopkinsWREM196600:47:341155
14Mark RookledgeODM196600:47:531152
15Mykyta ChubynskyODM197600:51:271110
16Peter LangmaidHOCM196800:54:361073
17Stu LeveneHHM196900:55:451059
18Adrian GriffithsWREM196800:56:321050
19Mark WebsterNOCM196500:56:441048
20Diane Mitson POTOCF197500:58:241028
21Emily BlackfordBADOF199501:00:511000
22David PalWREM196601:01:48988
23Lauren LewisWREF000001:03:53
24Lucie KozumplikovaVBMF198201:04:48
25Iain PhillipsLEIM196701:11:34874
26Rachel KhanUBOCF199501:23:02740
27Peter RoseHOCM197601:29:18666
28Phillip WhiteLOCM197201:29:53659
29Leo MorgadoODM197201:37:09574
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29