British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Junior Inter Area Weekend - individual races, incorporating Scottish Junior Cup, 04/09/2022

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 2.875km, climb: 130m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Green | Orange | Yellow

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Finlay McLuckieMORM200800:26:25
2Finn Selmer DuguidEASTM200900:27:18
3Ruari CottierECKOM200800:29:34
4Scarlett KellyFVOF200800:30:41
5Iona ScottINVOCF200800:31:43
6Emily AtkinsonELOF200800:32:20
7Douglas McDonaldINVOCM200900:36:31
8Peter OwenWESTM200900:37:10
9Ben RossINTM200800:37:39
10Blair HudsonNORTHM200700:37:43
11Calum RobertsonESOCM200900:38:11
12Sophie HowardMORF200800:41:30
13Esme KellyFVOF200900:41:47
14Matthew InmanFVOM200900:45:53
15James HammondFVOM200600:46:37
16Rosie McNamaraAYROCF200800:46:50
17Lizzie RoseECKOF197200:48:15
18Andrew TwiggFVOM200600:48:22
19Alexander HuntFVOM200900:50:40
20Elizabeth OwenFVOF197700:53:42
21Megan BrownESOCF200800:54:51
22Emma BurtonINVOCF197500:58:46
23Toby BurtonINVOCM200900:59:14
24Olly SimmersESOCM200800:59:16
25Rona LairdINVOCF200801:01:05
26Emma AndersonESOCF197201:01:22
27Lindsay McManamonTAYF198101:03:18
28Aaron LeeEASTM200701:03:38
29Michael PearsonTAYM194801:06:23
30Evan SineNORTHM200901:07:07
31Anna BichardMAROCF196701:07:51
32John OwenFVOM195701:07:58
33Ellen AshINVOCF200901:08:56
34Erica CloadINVOCF200801:25:17
35Elizabeth CottierECKOF197301:52:12
Showing results 1 - 35 of 35