British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Harvester Relays, 17/07/2011

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
LNB (length: 10.2km, 30 controls)

Other courses: A-Relay | B-Relay | 3AABA | 3AABB | 3ABAA | 3ABBA | 3ABBB | 3BAAB | 3BABB | 3BBAA | 3BBAB | 3BBBA | 3BBBB | AX1AA | AX1BB | AX1CC | AX2AA | AX2AB | AX2AC | AX2BA | AX2BB | AX2BC | AX3AA | AX3AB | AX3AC | AX3BA | AX3BB | AX3BC | AZ1AA | AZ1AB | AZ1BA | AZ1BB | AZ1CA | AZ1CB | AZ2AA | AZ2AB | AZ2BA | AZ2BB | AZ2CA | AZ2CB | AZ3A | AZ3B | AZ3C | B3A | L1AAA | L1AAB | L1ABA | L1ABB | L1BAA | L1BAB | L1BBA | L2AAB | L2ABA | L2ABB | L2BAA | L2BAB | L2BBA | L2BBB | LNA | SAAAA | SAAAB | SAABA | SAABB | SABAA | SABBA | SBAAA | SBAAB | SBABB | SBBAA | SBBAB
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Matthew CraneBOFM198101:03:48
2Richard RobinsonNOCM198101:09:50
3David AbramsSYOM199001:20:04
4Geoff Ellis9-3 [RAFO]M000001:28:12
5David PeelSYOM196601:29:19
6Steve WatkinsAIREM196901:29:27
7Sami TakaluomaODM197301:35:40
8Colin SmithSYOM196501:42:56
9Pauls LiepinsAIREM198301:43:00
10Ben WindsorDRONGOM199001:46:38
11Timothy MartlandLOCM196301:46:50
12John SlaterWCOCM197101:54:02
13Jonathan MayLOGM197502:26:58
-Joe TauntonSYOM198701:21:28
-Stuart FraserCLOKM199002:12:49
Showing results 1 - 15 of 15