British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

Track all the results

Colour Coded Event, 06/12/2009

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 7.4km, climb: 180m, 16 controls)

Other courses: White | Yellow | Orange | Light Green | Green | Blue
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ben StevensINTM198700:47:24
2Alex RothmanSYOM197900:49:11
3Andrew PrestonSYOM197700:51:21
4Karl MarshallSYOM196700:53:40
5Colin SmithSYOM196500:57:10
6Martin PotterLOKM196700:57:17
7Liam HarringtonLOGM198800:58:10
8Paul AddisonLOCM195700:59:05
9Liam CornerMDOCM197000:59:09
10Matthew BurdenSYOM198300:59:19
11Andrew JacksonDVOM196300:59:26
12Simon DickenCLAROM198601:02:32
13MARTIN SMITHM196001:03:37
14Steve WhiteheadEBORM195101:03:43
15Colin LynchSYOM196801:05:44
16Ben BeresfordNOCM199501:06:28
17Paul LiepinsLATVIAM000001:07:03
18Jonathan MayLOGM197501:07:34
19Lee ScottSYOM196601:09:30
20David VincentDVOM196101:10:14
21Tim WiegandSYOM196701:10:21
22Christopher CalowDEEM195201:13:08
23Paul BeresfordHALOM197001:13:55
24Peter GorvettSYOM194701:15:37
25Alexandra KilcoyneSYOF199101:17:17
26Paul GoodheadDVOM196101:20:32
27Lucy WiegandSYOF196801:20:42
-Peter TrynerSYOM197400:31:12
-Simon BourneEPOCM196800:32:40
Showing results 1 - 30 of 30