British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Regional Event, 17/12/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Green (length: 3.9km, climb: 105m, 13 controls)

Other courses: Black | Brown | Short Brown | Blue | Short Blue | Green | Very Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
787.76 + (130.06 x (4,198.64 - T)) / 989.67
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ann-Marie DuckworthDVOF196600:44:13991
2Carol SandsBOKF195100:45:08984
3Andy MacgregorBAOCM194000:46:32973
4Di TurnerSOF195100:51:59930
5Sue HandsWIMF194800:52:01929
6Christine KingBOKF194900:55:37901
7Jeremy OldershawSAXM193800:56:18896
8Denise HarperBKOF195000:56:36893
9Ray MasseySOCM194000:58:10881
10Graham HarrisonSOCM193900:58:16880
11Jeremy Steventon-BarnesSUFFOCM197000:58:18880
12Don NisbetSMOCM196201:01:59851
13John HarrisWAOCM194601:02:48844
14Peter BennettBKOM194001:04:19832
15Bill AlexanderMVM194201:04:40830
16Katy StubbsBKOF195601:06:06818
17Ken WilliamsBAOCM193701:06:15817
18Michele FunnellSOF195401:06:15817
19Liz YeadonSARUMF194601:07:03811
20Sally CollinsBKOF195101:08:29800
21Hilary SimpsonODF193901:09:08794
22Tony NoottBOKM193701:10:52781
23Melanie ElkingtonODF196101:12:20769
24Diana SmithSOCF195201:12:25769
25John DaviesMVM193801:13:09763
26Jose StanleyWIMF194701:14:26753
27John WarrenWIMM193701:15:53741
28Frances GoldingayHHF194901:21:51694
29Jenny GostickHHF196501:22:54686
30Alison CurtisF195601:25:13668
31Alan YeadonSARUMM193601:25:27666
32Anne-Marie HillierNGOCF195201:27:39648
33Gill BennettBKOF194301:29:53631
34Tim PughGOM194301:30:42624
35Liz StradlingBKOF195601:32:33610
36Sue GallagherSOF195301:33:05606
37Yvonne HodsonTVOCF194701:36:25579
38Marion ShipmanLOKF196101:40:51544
39Anne Sylvestre de SacyIND01:42:25
40Penny ParkesHHF195702:03:21367
Showing results 1 - 40 of 40