British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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SWOC Welsh Orienteering Championships, 12/09/2021

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short Brown (length: 8km, climb: 135m, 17 controls)

Other courses: Yellow | Orange | Light Green | Very Short Green | Short Green | Green | Short Blue | Blue | Brown | Black

Point calculations
1,165.62 + (101.07 x (5,301.60 - T)) / 1,361.64
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Peter WardNGOCM197000:53:521319
2Clare DallimoreSWOCF198800:55:391311
3Cecilie AndersenBOKF199700:56:511306
4Richard BarrettBAOCM197001:08:281254
5Ifor PowellBOKM196801:11:351240
6Jeremy TongeBOKM197001:13:081233
7Robin BishopTVOCM196701:14:461226
8Andy RimesQOM196301:15:431222
9Paul FoxSNM196201:16:051220
10Tommi GroverBOKM197601:16:411218
11Dai BedwellDVOM196701:19:201206
12Rob WoodsRAFOM196901:22:371191
13Michelle SpillarWIMF197901:22:581190
14Ian JonesERYRIM196801:23:191188
15John MethvenBKOM197001:26:471173
16John MatherLOGM197001:28:441164
17Christian SaxtoftBOKM196201:29:231161
18William ArnoldSBOCM200201:32:331147
19Kitty RobinsonSBOCF198901:42:531101
20Steven CollinsWREM196701:51:091064
21Anthony Covey-CrumpSLOWM197401:52:091060
22Rob TaylorNGOCM196902:00:001025
23Ben MatherLOGM200302:03:321009
24Martin LewisQOM196802:07:19992
25Jon ChandlerLOKM196702:08:51985
26Stephen Lee-JonesBOKM196702:13:11966
27Richard PowellWAOCM197602:13:50963
-Andy WareingBOKM197901:11:27
Showing results 1 - 28 of 28