British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

Track all the results

Dess, 22/01/2017

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
orange (length: 3km, 10 controls)

Other courses: Green | White

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Jonas NeweyMAROCM200500:39:30
2Craig SmithMAROCM000000:40:47
3Donald BarrieMAROCM196600:41:58
4Calum SmithMAROCM000000:42:49
5Richard SalwayMAROCM196400:44:31
6Ranolph WhiteheadMAROCF000000:45:07
7Caroline WattF000000:45:41
8Paul ChapmanMAROCM000000:47:56
9Scott ReynoldsMAROCM196800:48:33
10Charlotte ReynoldsBASOCF200500:50:10
11Christopher MilliganMAROCM000000:54:13
12Adam BarrieEUOCM200500:54:39
13Marlon WhiteheadMAROCF000000:57:51
14Liz SwanMAROCF000001:01:14
15Faith Kenyon MORF200501:01:30
16Ruth GoochMAROCF200701:04:17
17Margaret AustGRAMPF194901:10:03
18Catriona ChapmanMAROCM000001:13:25
19Genevieve JonesGRAMPM000001:14:09
20Alice MezincescuM000001:16:07
21Lesley CheyneM000001:16:11
22Marjorie CraigMAROCF000001:20:25
23Piotr WeychanMAROCM000001:34:42
-Rory PritchettMAROCM200601:00:39
-Scott NewelMAROCF000001:06:14
-Kirsty RoughMAROCM000001:14:23
Showing results 1 - 26 of 26