British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Maroc Creag Choinnich Level C incorporating the North Area Junior Inter-Area Championships, 01/09/2013

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3km, climb: 120m, 11 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Brown | Green | Orange | White | Yellow
Point calculations
Too many outliers; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Jake ChapmanMAROCM200000:27:52
2Joseph WrightEUOCM200000:28:28
3Paul CaffynGRAMPM199800:29:05
4Hamish WeirMORM199900:32:04
5Daniel CampbellMORM200200:34:00
6Rachel KeithF199900:34:53
7Naomi LangGRAMPF200000:36:46
8Dagmar BorrowmanINVOCF197600:37:46
9Esther GoochMAROCF197300:38:44
10Ailsa AndersonGRAMPF200100:39:32
11Mairi WeirDEVONF200100:40:44
12Oonagh GrassieGRAMPF195500:47:09
13Kate AndersonGRAMPF196400:50:55
14Paul BorrowmanINVOCM196800:53:03
15Siobhan Evans MORF197200:56:47
16Shona SpencerMORF196400:57:28
17Jennifer SpencerMORF200100:59:02
18Keith YardleyGRAMPM200001:00:34
19Daniel SkinnerMAROCM200101:00:37
20Richard SalwayMAROCM196401:01:01
21Lachlan KirkGRAMPM199901:01:55
22Graeme CampbellMAROCM200001:01:59
23Ian ShreadINVOCM196801:04:44
24Marjory CraigMAROCF194501:10:48
Showing results 1 - 24 of 24