British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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ELO Local Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians, 28/09/2019

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 4.5km, 17 controls)

Other courses: Orange | Yellow | White
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Daniel HallidayINDM199800:24:00
2Colin TuckerELOM197900:28:32
3Jamie ThomasELOM197600:28:57
4Chris DibbenINTM196900:32:48
5Alison SmithardFVOF198500:33:03
6Thomas BrownsortELOM200100:33:47
7Megan WrightELOF197400:34:57
8Peter BrownsortELOM196000:35:50
9Jennifer AtkinsonELOF197900:36:17
10George LuptonESOCM197900:36:43
11Ross LyallELOM199200:36:52
12Jason MitchellINDM197900:37:17
13Simon FairfullELOM197900:37:27
14Hanne RobertsonESOCF197000:38:03
15Kathryn NeillELOF197900:38:28
16Duncan LeishmanELOM197000:38:40
17Robin StrainELOM195000:39:38
18Matt BowerELOM197400:40:02
19Tim HardingELOM196300:41:32
20Roger ScruttonESOCM194700:44:05
21Leslie DalgleishESOCM195000:46:03
22Michael AtkinsonELOM197700:46:03
23Phyllis BurnsINDF197400:47:21
24Colin InverarityINTM195300:47:27
25Philippa AscoughINTF197900:51:11
26Jeff HodgsonELOM195900:51:47
27Fiona JohnstonRRF196000:54:25
28Christine MahonyESOCF195901:00:51
-James MurdochM196900:32:59
Showing results 1 - 29 of 29