Staging a TrailO event may, initially, seem to be complex and place difficult challenges for the planner and organiser.  However, if the initial objective is to provide a TrailO experience, then the challenge can be quite limited - and will give new planners and organisers a chance to gain experience before potentially staging something larger.  On this page, some guidance is given.

It would also be helpful for competitors new to the sport to take a look.  Knowing what guidance is given to planners can assist the competitor is correctly solving the challenges.


To support event planners and organisers, a series of Supporting TrailO leaflets are available which give details about the staging of different forms of TrailO events. It is often possible to stage a simple TrailO event alongside a standard FootO event or as a club training activity.  Some thought and preliminary planning is needed but these leaflets, with text by Clive Allen, should provide sufficient detail and advice about what is required - just click on the titles to download a pdf file of each leaflet:

1. How to stage a simple PreO event

2. How to stage a PreO Sprint event

3. TempO stations and PreO timed controls: Training or a simple event


4. TempO stations and PreO timed controls management at full-scale TrailO events


Also available, as Excel spreadsheets: