March 2025: Latest Update - The GB Selection Policy for the World TrailO Championships (WTOC) in August in Hungary/Slovakia has just been published.  For more details, see the News Page

Trail Orienteering is one of four disciplines in orienteering - the others are Foot, Mountain Bike and Ski Orienteering. TrailO provides an orienteering competition for people of all levels of physical ability, including those who are physically challenged and may be confined to wheelchairs.  For more details about how Trail Orienteering enables those with reduced mobility to compete, see the section on The 'P Class'.

TrailO has two formats - TempO, the 'speed' form of TrailO where all competition activity is timed, and PreO, the 'classic' format with generous time limits but with one or more timed controls. More information on the PreO and TempO event formats can be found on separate pages: Event Formats: PreO and Event Formats:TempO. At European and World Championship events there are also relay competitions. Virtual TempO is also now a very popular form of competition.

This is Trail Orienteering

Click to view it on YouTube

A 10-minute introductory video made with grant-aid from The Orienteering Foundation


This site provides news, information and resources related to British Trail Orienteering. We also have a Facebook site:  'British Trail Orienteering'. In the chapters on this site you should be able to find what you would like to know about TrailO and training and competition opportunities; if you believe the site could be improved with more or better information, please send an e-mail to the webmaster, see 'Contacts'. 

View the 'Resources and links' page (or click here) to access supporting documentation, resources and links to other sites dedicated to Trail Orienteering with several provided by the International Orienteering Federation (IOF).

TrailO Development Steering Group

The overall management of TrailO in the UK is the task of the TrailO Development Steering Group, one of several Steering Groups that support British Orienteering in the provision and development of the sport.

The TrailO Development SG is currently chaired by Graham Urquhart.  Full details of the SG's Terms of Reference and membership and the minutes of previous meetings (once approved) are available on the main British Orienteering web pages - see: TrailO Development Steering Group