5 March 2025: Selection Policy for the World TrailO Championships 2025 published

The GB Selection Policy for the World TrailO Championships (WTOC) in August in Hungary/Slovakia has just been published. It can be accessed from the 'Selection for GB Orienteering Teams' page.
All those eligible orienteers wishing to be considered for inclusion in the team need to read the policy carefully and to submit an expression of interest in advance of the deadline - 21 May 2025. Early submissions are encouraged with information updated closer to the deadline. The following is the key section from the policy:
'Athletes should inform the Chair of Selectors as early as possible of their interest in selection. The final date for expressions of interest and updates on results is 21 May 2025 if they wish to be considered for selection for events in 2025. Only athletes expressing interest by this deadline will be considered for events in 2025.'
In addition to the standard maximum number of team members, the WTOC rules allow for the inclusion of 2 juniors (age class 20 or younger) in each of the PreO and TempO classes.
For more details of the WTOC event, see their website at: https://wtoc2025.org/

31 December 2024: Ben Kyd gains top place in two international on-line TempO competitions

As we have reached the end of 2024, it is time to report on the GB performance in the two on-line TempO series which have been running on the TORUS website: http://torus.yq.cz/
Running all year has been the Hungarian TORUS Trophy 2024 with a competition each month - a competitor's best 9 results were included to give the overall final result. The table below shows the top 10 British (GB) competitors. Over 800 competitors participated on at least one occasion. The overall winner was our Ben Kyd (MDOC), improving on his 3rd place in the 2023 Trophy event. Both Samuel Drinkwater (MDOC) and Robert Finch (NGOC) also recorded some excellent scores finishing in 14th and 25th positions.
The top 10 British competitors in the Hungarian TORUS Trophy 2024.
More recently there has been the TORUS Christmas Cup 2024 with 24 daily events from the 1st to the 24th December. A competitor's best 18 results were used to determine the overall Cup winner. Again,the table below shows the top 10 British competitors. Here Ben Kyd has demonstrated his outstanding ability in these on-line TempO events by again coming out as the overall winner. Also it can be noted that the second and third British positions were again taken by Samuel Drinkwater (28th) and Robert Finch (55th) out of a total of over 900 competitors.
The top 10 British competitors in the TORUS Christmas Cup 2024.
Based on the individual results, there is also a club ranking list generated in both competitions. With both Ben and Samuel being members of Manchester and District OC (MDOC) and joined by a consistently good performance from another club member, John Kewley, MDOC led the field in both club competitions.
Many congratulations to Ben and to MDOC for their achievements.

19 December 2024: IOF have published their TrailO Rules 2025

If you are planning to attend a World Ranking Event (WRE) next year or if you are selected to compete at the World TrailO Championships (WTOC) in 2025 then those events will operated under the IOF TrailO rules.   The IOF has recently published an updated version of their 'Competition Rules for IOF TrailO Events' which will apply to IOF events  (such as WTOC and WREs) staged in 2025.

The final page of the new Rules (page 39) gives a list of 'Significant Changes' to the previous version (January 2024) and it would perhaps be best to read that list first. The Rules can be downloaded from the IOF website from their 'Competition Rules for Trail Orienteering' page: https://orienteering.sport/trailo/competition-rules/

Although these are the Rules for IOF events, it is current practice for British TrailO events to operate with the IOF Rules as the default rules unless circumstances mean that this is not appropriate or not possible.

26 November 2024: The November issue of the Newsletter is now available

The final issue for 2024 of the British TrailO Newsletter has just been published and can now be downloaded from the Newsletter page of this website.  To get your copy, go to Newsletters

The issue contains complete updates of the various competitions since the September Newsletter with detailed reports from the Nordic Weekend in Sweden in September and the Autumn TrailO Weekend here in the UK in October.  Also included in an item on an international event in September 1995 staged at Burnham Beeches, venue for the BritishTrailO Championships (PreO) this year.  There are also the usual updates on league tables and ranking lists and other event reports and items of TrailO news.

17 October 2024: Final results for the 2024 British TrailO League

The British Championships Weekend saw the completion of this year’s British TrailO League competition (BriTOL). The League uses the results of designated events to allocate scores to competitors. The 2024 BriTOL was based on 4 events – the JK PreO and all 3 events last weekend. Based on eligible competitors (members of British Orienteering), the winner of an event gets 100 points, second place gets 96 points and third gets 93 points. A competitor’s best 3 scores were used to determine the final 2024 BriTOL results.
With Ben Kyd (MDOC) winning 3 of the 4 events, it does not take much mathematical ability to realise that, with a maximum score of 300 points, he took top spot in the 2024 BriTOL. Last year Ben was second, beaten by Tom Dobra. Congratulations to Ben. John Kewley (MDOC) was second with a win, a second place and a fourth place providing a score of 287. Third was Anne Straube (OD) with two third places and a sixth place giving a score of 275.
When considering P Class competitors only, Colin Duckworth heads the list with 229 points, second is Richard Keighley with 216 points and third is Peter Roberts with 209 points.
The top 3 BriTOL competitors – John Kewley (left), Ben Kyd (centre) and Anne Straube (right).

14 October 2024: British Championships staged by Berkshire Orienteers

On Saturday the British TrailO Championships (PreO) were held in Burnham Beeches, Slough. The course used a track along the bottom of a dry valley with complex contours enabling Tom Dobra (TVOC) (Planner) to set some very challenging controls. The course was split into two sections with the two Timed Controls between the them. Unfortunately, not long after the first competitor started, it began to rain and, at one point, this could be truthfully be described as a 'heavy downpour' - this made seeing the kites quite difficult.

Despite the problems, both Ben Kyd (MDOC) and John Kewley (MDOC) were able to correctly locate 22 of the 25 controls with Ben winning with a quicker time at the Timed Controls.  In the P Class, Richard Keighley (WIM) took top place with Colin Duckworth (TVOC) second.  In the Junior Class, James Curtis (SO) took top spot from Max Straube Roth (OD)

Luckily on Sunday, for the British TrailO Championships (TempO), held at the University of Reading Whiteknights campus, the weather was better.  The TempO course, planned by Charles Bromley Gardner (BAOC), consisted of 8 stations with 5 tasks per station.  Once again, Ben Kyd demonstrated his ability at quick terrain interpretation with only 2 errors over the 40 tasks - a feat matched (but in a slower time) only by Robertas Stankevič, one of two Lithuanians who had joined us for the weekend.  James Curtis again gained top spot in the Junior class.

The results for the two Championship events were used to determine the overall 2024 British Champions.  This was, of course, Ben Kyd in the Open Class with John Kewley second and Peter Dobra (SAX) third.  In the P Class, Colin Duckworth's win in the TempO gave him the edge over Richard Keighley (2nd) and Peter Roberts (EBOR) (3rd).  In the Juniors, James Curtis took first place.

The weekend also included a PreO Sprint event with a 20 control course planned by David Jukes (BKO). Here John Kewley was able to win through with his time being quicker than two others who also had 19 correct.

To access the maps and full results, see this site's BTOC page.

Top 3 in the Open Class Championships - 1st Ben Kyd (MDOC) (Centre), 2nd John Kewley (MDOC) (left) and 3rd Peter Dobra (SAX) (right)

Top 3 in the P Class Championships - 1st Colin Duckworth (TVOC) (Centre), 2nd Richard Keighley (WIM) (left) and 3rd Peter Roberts (EBOR) (right)

23 September 2024: Second place for Ben Kyd in Nordic Cup TempO 

Last weekend, a team of British TrailO athletes have been competing in the Nordic Cup in Gothenburg, Sweden. Top result for GBR was Ben Kyd’s second place in the TempO World Ranking event.
The weekend consisted of 5 events: a Night PreO Sprint on Friday evening, a WRE TempO and a WRE PreO on Saturday and, on Sunday a PreO Sprint and a second WRE PreO. On a warm and sunny weekend, all the events were held within the main urban area of Gothenburg but used some complex areas of crags, boulders and knolls between the main built-up zones.
The use of electronic timing and recording is a major advance for TrailO and, when it works, can provide real-time results. Unfortunately, due to software issues, the TempO results were delayed and it was only after a flight back to the UK that Ben had his second-place confirmed. He had made only 2 mistakes over all 7 stations (35 controls) in one of the fastest times. The winner, Laura Lapina (LAT) was slower but had no mistakes. A great performance from Ben against very experienced TempO competitors from many European countries, not just the Nordic ones.
In addition to his TempO result, Ben also took 5th place in the Night PreO Sprint correctly identifying 19 controls on the 20-control course. Other good results included Tom Dobra finishing in 8th place in Sunday’s PreO Sprint with just one error in the 20-control course and John Kewley’s 14th equal in the second PreO event.
The Nordic Cup is based on the results of the 3 World Ranking Events (WRE) with national teams of 5 competitors. The GBR Team A took 6th place behind strong teams from the Nordic countries but ahead of the Polish, Czech, German and Danish teams.
The GBR Team A (from left): Ben Kyd (MDOC), David Jukes (BKO), Charles Bromley Gardner (BAOC), Tom Dobra (TVOC) and John Kewley (MDOC).

16 September 2024: The September Newsletter is published

Today sees the publication of the Sepetember 2024 Newsletter.  Cpoies can be downloaded from the Newsletter page of this site.  Highlights include event reports from Italy, Norway, Sweden (the TrailO at the O-Ringen), Poland and Hungary/Slovakia (the PreWTOC 2025 weekend).  In addition, Charles Bromley Gardner is featured in the regular 'Know your fellow TrailO competitor' section.  And, of course, all the usual updates to ranking lists and scores in the different leagues are provided.

8 September 2024: Two great results at the PreWTOC weekend

As is common practice, a country which is scheduled to host the World Championships attempts to give potential competitors a chance to experience the terrain at a ‘PreWTOC’ event. It is also a chance for the organising team to test their ideas and support systems in advance.  With Slovakia and Hungary jointly staging WTOC 2025, they have jointly provided a weekend of TrailO.  On Saturday, the Hungarians provided a PreO event on open terrain to the north of Lake Balaton.  Today, competitors were in the wooded Small Carpathian hills to the north of Bratislava in Slovakia.

At the Hungarian PreO, there were 35 controls (although one was voided) with many being some considerable distance from the track. Three competitors, including Tom Dobra, correctly identified all 34 controls and they were therefore separated by their times at the Timed Ccontrols (TCs).    All three made one error at the two TCs - and they were all different errors.  Antti Rusanen (FIN) was fastest taking just 45 seconds with Tom second in 53 seconds and Jonatán Furucz (SVK) third in 56 seconds - all with the addition of the 60 second penalty.  An excellent result for Tom!

Today there was a TempO competition involving 9 stations with a mixture of complext crags and boulder clusters (at stations 1-6) and some flatter terrain with less complex terrain (at stations 7-9). Based on results, the skills needed for TempO certainly favour younger competitors.  The top 5 in this competition ranged in age from just 16 (Jonatán Furucz (SVK)) to 31 (Maciej Urbaniak (POL)). The winner at this event was Simone Frascaroli (ITA) (aged 19) who made only 3 mistakes over the 9 stations.  Second was Ben Kyd who, although quicker than Simone, made 6 mistakes. An excellent results for Ben!

Overall, the weekend provided an intensive TrailO experience and suggests that competitors at the WTOC next year will get quite a varied set of events ranging from the open scrub land found in Hungary to the wooded crags and quarries in Slovakia.  For those selected next year, it will have been useful experience.

Tom Dobra and Ben Kyd collecting their prizes at the PreWTOC weekend.

8 August 2024: Entries open for the Autumn TrailO Weekend incorporating BTOC 2024

Entries are now open for the British Autumn TrailO Weekend in October. 

Berkshire Orienteers (BKO) are providing a PreO event on Saturday 12th October at Burnham Beeches, near Slough. This will have both a Championship Class (for the British TrailO Championship (BTOC) PreO) and an A Class (designed for those wanting less challenging controls). On Sunday 13th October, we move to the Whiteknights campus of the University of Reading. Here there will be both a TempO event and a PreO Sprint. The TempO will have both a Championship Class (for the BTOC TempO) and an A Class. The PreO Sprint is a single class.

For more details, see the Preliminary Details document on the BKO site at: Preliminary Event Details.  To enter, go to the Racesignup page: Racesignup - Autumn TrailO Weekend.  Pre-entries close: 23:59 on Sunday 6th October 2024.

21 June 2024: Selection for the World TrailO Championships (WTOC) 2025

The GB TrailO Selectors have now provided an important 'Advance Notice' for those TrailO athletes wishing to be considered for the GBR team at WTOC 2025. The guidance can be accessed from the British Orienteering Selection page.
The document points out that gaining experience at TrailO events in Europe in the remainder of 2024 and into 2025 will be valuable and will be of benefit to the Selectors when considering an athlete's application. In particular, they state that the forthcoming Pre-WTOC weekend in Hungary/Slovakia in early September is 'the most relevant event'.
However, all those interested in selection should read the full statement before deciding which UK and European TrailO events to attend. The Selectors have also added that two Junior athletes (age class 20 or under) can be entered for WTOC, in addition to the standard four per PreO class and four for TempO.
A more detailed statement on the selection process will be issued later in the year. Selection however will not take place until May or early June 2025.

31 May 2024: Initial details for BTOC 2024 announced

This year's British TrailO Championships will be staged in the south of England.  There will be two main events:

  • Saturday 12th October: PreO at Burnham Beeches, near Slough (just 15Km NW of London Heathrow Airport), and
  • Sunday 13th OctoberTempO at the University of Reading, Whiteknights Campus (just 30Km W of Heathrow).

In addition to the two main Championship events, it is hoped to also stage a PreO Sprint competition.

Some further details can be found on this site's BTOC page along with links to the event pages on the Berkshire Orienteers website. However, the areas are subject to an embargo for anyone wishing to be competitive in the Championships. For the embargo locations, see: Embargoed areas

12 May 2024: Tom Dobra gained a place in the ETOC TempO Final

The 2024 European TrailO Championships (ETOC 2024) finished today with the TempO heats and final. The best 18 from each of the two morning heats provide the 36 competitors for the afternoon final. It has always been a challenge for GBR team members to qualify for the final given the strength in depth of the TrailO enthusiasts from Scandinavia and Central Europe.

On completion of the heats, Tom Dobra (TVOC) was in 18th place in Heat A and the only GBR member to gain a Final place. Due to an organiser’s problem at one station it was voided. This led to the bottom two, including Tom, to drop 2 places. A subsequent official ‘protest’ was lodged and the event jury determined that the kite had not been positioned in the expected position. The conclusion was that, given the error, 20 should qualify for the final from that heat – giving Tom an opportunity to go through.

Although the other GBR members did not make the final, Kieran Marsh (SLOW) gave a creditable first Championship performance by being our best result in Heat B with 42nd place.

In the Final, televised by IOF for the first time, Tom started first and progressed through the 9 stations, each with 5 tasks, situated around the Paavo Nurmi Stadium in Turku. With complex and varied tasks at each station, Tom successfully got 5 stations completely correct but completed the course with 5 errors. Ultimately, he finished in 34th place with Lauri Makinen (FIN) winning in a fast time and with only 2 errors. Second equal, just 5.5 seconds behind, were Petteri Hakala (FIN) and Simon Marecek (CZE).

For photos of GBR members in action, see the Flickr album: at: European TailO Championships 2024For more detailed results, see the event website at: https://tume.fi/etoc2024/

Tom Dobra in action at the ETOC 2024 TempO Final.

For some older news items, see News Archive