Jan Kjellström
International Festival
of Orienteering 2025
South Yorkshire
18th April - 21st April
South Yorkshire 18th April - 21st April

General Information

Information applicable to all days of JK25


We are keen to welcome everyone to JK25, whether competing or just spectating, and this includes those who require certain additional accessibility arrangements to be made.

An accessible level-access toilet will be provided at every Arena. Anyone requiring Priority Parking should contact Day Organisers via the Contact Form to make specific arrangements.

Any further special arrangements - for instance, specific start arrangements or map printing requirements - may be discussed with the JK Coordinator (via a 'General Enquiry' on the Contact Form).


Dogs are permitted on leads in the Arena on all days, but must not be taken out on courses. Please note the further information for specific days below:

Day 1: only assistance dogs are allowed in the Town Hall where Enquiries will be located.

Day 2: dogs are not permitted on buses to the Middle, but may be walked the 2 to 3km to the Arena. Therefore those wishing to take their dog to the Arena must use Car Parks A or C.

Day 3: dogs are, however, permitted on the buses to the Long. They must be kept on leads at all times, especially when walking through the farmyard.

Club Tents & Flags

Day 1: No Club Tents on Day 1 due to limited space, though Feather Flags are encouraged on the grassed areas in the Arena.

Days 2-4: Space is available in the Arenas on all other days for Club Tents and Flags.

Club Tent Transportation

Day 2: If really necessary, strictly one car per club can drop off Club Tents at the Arena on Greaves Lane: Google MapsApple MapsWazeSK340986supplied.headsets.sharpen

Please drive in from the A61, drop off as quickly as possible and continue along Greaves Lane onto Westwood Road to get back to the car parks. Please do not attempt to turn round to go back the way you came into Greaves Lane, and be aware that buses will be turning and pedestrians will be crossing Greaves Lane.

Day 2 to 3: a club tent transfer system will operate between the Middle and Long; those wishing to take advantage of this should leave their Tents at Enquiries at the end of Day 2.

Control Descriptions

Control Descriptions will be printed on the map and available loose in start lanes. Most courses will have Pictorial Descriptions, other than the TD1 and TD2 courses which will have Text Descriptions.

Electronic Punching

Mixed SPORTident punching will be used on all days, allowing both SIAC contactless and traditional punching. The Finish will be contactless. A SIAC Battery Check box will be available near Enquiries. A SIAC Contactless Test box will be available in the start lanes to test that contactless mode has been activated. See SIAC Use Instructions for more details. Starts will be timed (non-punching) for most competitors - see Start Details above.

It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that their SI-Card registers at every control. If a box is not registering, competitors must punch their map with the pin punch at the control.


The Start process will be the same for all 3 individual days. Competitors should enter the start lanes 4 minutes before their Start Time. A silent start will operate: names will not be called out and a minimum of instructions will be given. All competitors are expected to observe the silent start as far as possible.

Minutes before Start
4 SI-Card Check & Bibs checked
3 Control Descriptions & SIAC Contactless Test
2 Final Notices (written)
1 Stand on start line. 10 secs before (first beep) move forward to stand by map box and hold edge of map. On Start Time (long beep) take the map and start.

Start times have been allocated as per the JK Rules, and seeding on the Elite classes performed as per WRE Rules. In the Elite Classes and for seeded competitors in other classes the start interval will be 1 min for the Sprint, 2 mins for the Middle and 3 mins for the Long.

A timed (non-punching) start will be used for all competitors, other than for those with split starts on non-championship courses, helpers without a start time and late starters, who will have a punching start.

Split Starts, Helpers without a Start Time and Late Starters

There will be one start lane for those requiring a punching start. Competitors in this lane must follow marshals’ instructions regarding start arrangements.

Late Starters

Any competitor arriving late but less than 4 minutes before their start time will be slotted into the start lanes at the correct position. If a competitor arrives at the start line less than half the start interval after their allocated start time, they will be allowed to start immediately. If arriving at the start line more than half a start interval late, they will start at the next available half start interval.

Those arriving late are reminded of the silent start procedure: other than to arrange a new punching start time, marshals will not enter into any conversation with competitors such as reasons for being late. If competitors feel that their lateness is not their fault, they should submit a complaint to the Organiser via Enquiries.

All late starters will be asked to punch at the start, but unless it is deemed that they have an acceptable reason for being late their earlier allocated start time will be used.


Live results will be available on the Results page of the website, to be accessed via personal devices using mobile data. No results displays or local wireless networks will be provided in the Arenas.

Selection Races

The Individual Days of JK25 will act as Selection Races for the following Tours and Teams. A comprehensive list of the Selection Races and Policies for each can be found on the relevant organisation's website.

Race Selection Races
  • JROS Stockholm & Gothenburg Tours
  • GB Teams for EYOC, JWOC & JEC
Middle & Long
  • All JROS Tours - Lagganlia, Deeside, Czechia, Stockholm & Gothenburg
  • Ward Junior Home International for England Team
  • GB Teams for EYOC, JWOC, JEC & World Cup 1

Competitors wishing to be considered for selection must enter their correct class. For example, M/W18/20 athletes are welcome to enter the W/M21E class for the Middle and Long WREs, but those who wish to be considered for selection for EYOC or JWOC must enter their correct M/W18/20 class, as per the 2025 GB Teams Selection Policy.

Traders & Catering

There will be various opportunities for some retail therapy over the weekend. Compass Point will be in attendance on all 4 days for emergency purchases and all orienteering equipment, as will Pete Bland Sports on Days 2 & 3.

Day 1: there are plenty of food outlets (cafes, supermarkets etc.) close to the Arena for the Sprint, so there won't be any additional event food traders.

Days 2, 3 & 4: hot food will be available as usual from Podium Catering and Tom's Food Wagon. In addition, a local Sheffield company, Proove, will be offering their award-winning authentic Neapolitan pizza. Their hand-stretched dough is slow-proved for 20 hours, before topped with the finest ingredients and cooked to perfection! For those in search of something sweet, or needing to cool off after being out in the April sun, Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream will also be in attendance.

General Safety Arrangements

  • A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out by the Day Organisers, but competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. Competitors who are unwell should not run.
  • Competitors should enter courses appropriate for their experience and ability, remembering that there are Short, B-Class and Colour Coded courses available.
  • All competitors who start must report to Download even if they retire.
  • Any medical conditions that the Organiser and First Aiders should be aware of in an emergency should be made known to the Organiser by leaving a note at Enquiries, and completing the medical details section on the back of the Bibs. Medical details  left at Enquiries will be destroyed after the Event.
  • If weather conditions are particularly inclement, hooded waterproof jackets, gloves and hats may be declared compulsory. Whilst this is unlikely, please come prepared. If such items are compulsory, signs will be posted in the Car Parks and Arena. Where possible, advance notification will also be sent via Email and WhatsApp.
  • Days 2-4: Whistles and full leg cover are compulsory.

First Aid

Professional First Aiders (Event Safety Group) will be at the Finish on all days.

Days 1-3: the nearest A&E department for those aged 16 and over is the Northern General Hospital, Herries Rd, Sheffield S5 7AU  Tel: 0114 243 4343. Those under 16 years old must go to Sheffield Children's Hospital, Clarkson St, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2TH. Tel: 0114 271 7000. Details for both will be at Enquiries.

Day 4: the nearest A&E department is Leeds General Infirmary, Great George Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 3EX. Tel: 0113 243 2799. Details will be at Enquiries.


The organising teams for each day of JK25 are supported by the following other officials:

Role Personnel
JK Coordinator Jacky Dakin (SYO) 
Assistant Coordinator Pauline Tryner (SYO)
Mapping Coordinator Ian Cooper (SYO)
Mapping Adviser Tony Thornley (AIRE)
Treasurer Mark Dakin (SYO)
Safety Officer Ken Patterson (AIRE)
Permissions Officer Lucy Wiegand (SYO)
Arenas Peter Guillaume (SYO)
Entries Secretaries Martin and Lesley Ward (SYO)
Publicity Officer Jenny Johnson (SYO)
Graphic Design Paul Johnson (SYO)
Webmaster & Branding Dom Dakin (SYO)
String Course Howsam Family (SYO)
Merchandising Coordinator Carol Keen (SYO)
Prize Giving Officer Louise Preston (SYO)
Photography Wendy Carlyle (AIRE)

Competition Rules

JK25 is being organised in accordance with British Orienteering's Rules of Foot Orienteering, as well as specific competition rules G: Jan Kjellström Individual Orienteering Championships and H: Jan Kjellström Relay Orienteering Championships. The World Ranking Events (WREs) on Days 1-3 follow IOF WRE Rules.

Complaints & Protests

In the event that you are not satisfied with an aspect of the Event, please discuss your concerns with the Day’s Planner, Controller or Organiser, as appropriate, via Enquiries.

If this does not resolve the issue then a formal complaint should be registered in writing with the Organiser via Enquiries. A complaint about a course should be made as soon as possible after finishing, and at the latest within 15 minutes of the course closing time.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the Organiser's response, a written protest should be made at Enquiries within 10 minutes of receiving the response. This will be considered by the Event Jury, whose decision is final.


In accordance with British Orienteering Safeguarding Policies, any individual wishing to engage in any video, zoom or close-range photography should register their details with the JK Coordinator. The JK Coordinator reserves the right to decline permission to any individual unable to meet or abide by the Coordinator’s conditions.


In the unlikely event of cancellation, notices will be placed on the website and social media, and competitors will be emailed. For more details see the Cancellation Policy.


All competitors are covered by British Orienteering's public liability insurance whilst competing at JK25. This includes those not registered as Members of British Orienteering.