The British TrailO Championships 2024 were staged by Berkshire Orienteers with both a PreO Championship and a TempO Championship.
In addition to the two main Championship events, there was also a PreO Sprint competition on Sunday.
The event was co-ordinated by David Jukes (BKO) and the planners were Tom Dobra (TVOC) (PreO), Charles Bromley Gardner (BAOC) (TempO) and David Jukes (PreO Sprint).
Congratulations to the winners:
Files - Results, Maps and Event Details
The British TrailO Championships 2023 (PreO) were held in Armagh on Saturday May 6th (Coronation Day) in late afternoon/early evening, following the British Sprint Championships finals. It used the grounds of Armagh Palace Demesne, a public park within walking distance of the city centre, which consisted of undulating open parkland with mature trees, woodland paths and more formal gardens, surrounding the palace and stables. The event was staged by Lagan Valley Orienteers with Wibert Hollinger acting as Planner and Organiser.
Congratulations to the winners:
Files - Results, Maps and Event Details
Colin Duckworth (L) - P Class Champion
Tom Dobra (L)- Open Class Champion
The British Trail Orienteering Championships were held on 27th March over a challenging course in contour-detailed forest at Hogsmoor Inclosure, Hampshire. The British Open Champion, for a record-equalling third time, is Anne Straube (OD) one of two to record a fully-correct score of 20 points. She also made no mistake at the timed controls, whereas second-placed John Kewley (MDOC) made one mistake there and that cost him the win. Third in the Open class was Nick Barrable (SYO), the fastest at the timed control with 19 points on the course.
All the gold medals went to members of Octavian Droobers! The Physically Challenged (P) class was won by Graham Urquhart, and the Junior class gold medal went to Max Straube-Roth.
Open Class
Physically Challenged (P) Class
Junior class
Results, maps, solutions, comments and photos
BTOC 2019 was held in the seaside town of Scarborough in August 2019 in association with the White Rose orienteering weekend. Competitors followed a route around the town's complex South Cliff Gardens. For the main results, see:
BTOC 2018 was held at Crathes Castle, Royal Deeside, Scotland
BTOC 2017 was held at YMCA Lakeside, Cumbria in May 2017.
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