British Orienteering

Get Active at Home

British Orienteering wants you to have fun, and continue to find ways to stay active. 

Check out these free orienteering activities and fun challenges to do at home, in the garden, or in local green spaces.

orienteering image

Design your own orienteering course around your house, or in the garden, or in your local green spaces and parks. 

This is easy to do, and it's loads of fun!  For advice on how to use downloadable software such as OCAD to Map your Home within the 'External Resources' section below.  For a home map, we simply recommend using a green triangle as the start symbol and red circles numbered for the markers.  For traditional control markers, you can download and print these numbered markers (1 to 10) and/or download and print the other two blank markers and design your own course around your house and garden. 


Dizzy Directions - Challenge your child to race to the different compass points. Learn about the activity and download the markers you'll need here.

More videos demonstrating this activity are available on our YouTube channel.

Knolls and Depressions

Knolls and depressions
Dizzy directions

Indoor Activities

Orienteering Puzzles 

We have a range of quick puzzles to download and try. Can you complete them all?


Maze puzzle
Sudoku symbol puzzle

Matching Symbols - Can you match the map feature, with the terrain picture and the control description?

Why not design your own treasure hunt around your house and garden and design your own markers.

External Resources

There are lots of other resources and activities which you can also find below. If you have something to share please get in touch with us and as long as we can get permission, we will share it here.

Orienteering Specific


Sport England's advice and supporting resources on how to Stay Active at Home.

Learning Resources from the Youth Sport Trust.

England Athletics at home resources including downloads and videos.