DATA PRIVACY: British Orienteering is committed to safeguarding the privacy of your information.
By "your information" we mean any information about you, which you or third parties provide to us. This policy relates
to the privacy of your information and can be found at
The British Orienteering's Privacy Principles outline our commitment to the secure and responsible handling of
information about our members. By joining British orienteering you are agreeing to abide by the British Orienteering
Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations as published on the British Orienteering website.
SHARING YOUR DATA: We may share your data with partners such as Fabian4, Si Entries and EMIT, other Home Country Orienteering Organisations, Regional Associations, clubs, and third-party data managers that we appoint as data processors as part of administering your involvement in sport. We will not transfer your data to any other third parties without obtaining your consent and, where possible, will anonymise your data before sharing. We will also not share any other personal data you provide to us that is not data.
COMMUNICATION WITH LEARNERS: British Orienteering will endeavour to use electronic media for all communications with Learners including company business. Learners who want to be communicated with via printed media must notify the National Office.