British Orienteering

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Simply enter your postcode below, and we will find the nearest orienteering club to you. Alternatively, you can click on the map area to find all the club's within your region's association, or if you already know the name of the club you wish to join, simply enter the Club name in the search function.

Back The following clubs match your search criteria:

Club details

CLOK is the local orienteering club for Cleveland, South Durham and the northern part of North Yorkshire. We welcome members of all ages and abilities, families and individuals. We organise a range of events from friendly local series through to national competitions. We also have a strong junior training group, leading to the North East Junior Squad. Many of our competition areas are around the scarp slopes on the northern and western edges of the North York Moors, including areas of fast open runnable moorland and intricate wooded hillsides. During a CLOK event, you might pass close to the eye-catching landmark of Roseberry Topping, or run right past Captain Cook's Monument.

Established in 1969

CLOK is an open club

Club Website

Contact for general enquiries

NameAlan Cranke


Safeguarding/Welfare contact

NameCarolyn Rigby
Tel01287 633143


Membership fees

 JuniorYoung AdultSeniorFamily
Club Fee£3.50£7.00£7.00£8.50
Association Fee (NEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
British Orienteering Fee£3.00£7.50£10.00£25.00

Further information

Do you provide Coaching? Yes
Do you provide Training Events? Yes
Do you provide "Come and try it" Events? Yes
Do you have a Club Newsletter? Yes
Do you have a Club Kit? Yes
Does the Club have a Safeguarding/Welfare contact? Yes

Club details

This is a closed club. It is only open to students of Durham University.

DUOC is a closed club

Club Website

Contact for general enquiries

NameUDOC Officials
Tel0191 334 2178


Safeguarding/Welfare contact

NameUDOC Officials


Membership fees

 JuniorYoung AdultSeniorFamily
Club Fee£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (NEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
British Orienteering Fee£3.00£7.50£10.00£25.00

Further information

Do you provide Coaching? No
Do you provide Training Events? No
Do you provide "Come and try it" Events? No
Do you have a Club Newsletter? No
Do you have a Club Kit? No
Does the Club have a Safeguarding/Welfare contact? No
This is a closed club. It is only open to students of Durham University.

Club details

Newcastle and Tyneside Orienteers, (NATO), are a medium-sized club based in the northern part of the NEOA, (North East Orienteering Association), region. Our members mostly hail from Newcastle, the banks of the Tyne and Northumberland, but we also number some from further afield. We are a family-oriented club.

Established in 1990

NATO is an open club

Club Website

Contact for general enquiries

NamePeter Firth
Tel0191 2371176


Safeguarding/Welfare contact

NameAllie Wilson Craw
Tel0191 266 2327


Membership fees

 JuniorYoung AdultSeniorFamily
Club Fee£0.00£7.00£7.00£14.00
Association Fee (NEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
British Orienteering Fee£3.00£7.50£10.00£25.00

Further information

Do you provide Coaching? Yes
Do you provide Training Events? Yes
Do you provide "Come and try it" Events? Yes
Do you have a Club Newsletter? Yes
Do you have a Club Kit? Yes
Does the Club have a Safeguarding/Welfare contact? No

Club details

Northern Navigators is an orienteering club whose membership primarily comes from the counties of Northumberland, Durham and Tyne and Wear in the North East region of England. We are a member of British Orienteering - the National Governing Body for the sport and affiliated to the North East Orienteering Association. The main aims and aspirations of the club are: To be the best club in our area, Promote the sport of orienteering in our area, Stage regular quality events on the areas we have available, Provide a social framework for club members, Develop the potential of members to achieve their personal targets.

NN is an open club

Club Website

Contact for general enquiries

NameAllen Banister
Tel0191 2576246


Safeguarding/Welfare contact

NameJulian Warren


Membership fees

 JuniorYoung AdultSeniorFamily
Club Fee£0.00£5.00£10.00£18.00
Association Fee (NEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
British Orienteering Fee£3.00£7.50£10.00£25.00

Further information

Do you provide Coaching? No
Do you provide Training Events? No
Do you provide "Come and try it" Events? Yes
Do you have a Club Newsletter? Yes
Do you have a Club Kit? Yes
Does the Club have a Safeguarding/Welfare contact? Yes

Club details

We are a closed club to serving and retired members of Royal Air Force.

Established in 1972

RAFO is a closed club

Club Website

Contact for general enquiries

NameJohn Liston
Tel01780 749373


Safeguarding/Welfare contact

NameBen Lonsdale


Membership fees

 JuniorYoung AdultSeniorFamily
Club Fee£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (EAOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00£0.00
Association Fee (EMOA)£1.00£3.00£3.00£7.00
Association Fee (NEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (NIOA)£1.50£2.75£3.00£4.50
Association Fee (SCOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (SEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (SOA)£2.00£2.00£8.00£26.00
Association Fee (SWOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (WMOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00£0.00
Association Fee (WOA)£1.20£1.20£3.00£6.00
Association Fee (YHOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
British Orienteering Fee£3.00£7.50£10.00£25.00

Further information

Do you provide Coaching? Yes
Do you provide Training Events? Yes
Do you provide "Come and try it" Events? Yes
Do you have a Club Newsletter? Yes
Do you have a Club Kit? Yes
Does the Club have a Safeguarding/Welfare contact? No

Club details

This is a closed club for Royal Navy.

RNOC is a closed club

Safeguarding/Welfare contact

NameMegan Ashton


Membership fees

 JuniorYoung AdultSeniorFamily
Club Fee£0.00£10.00£10.00£20.00
Association Fee (EAOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00£0.00
Association Fee (EMOA)£1.00£3.00£3.00£7.00
Association Fee (NEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (NIOA)£1.50£2.75£3.00£4.50
Association Fee (SCOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (SEOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (SOA)£2.00£2.00£8.00£26.00
Association Fee (SWOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
Association Fee (WMOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00£0.00
Association Fee (WOA)£1.20£1.20£3.00£6.00
Association Fee (YHOA)£0.00£0.00£0.00N/A
British Orienteering Fee£3.00£7.50£10.00£25.00

Further information

Do you provide Coaching? No
Do you provide Training Events? No
Do you provide "Come and try it" Events? No
Do you have a Club Newsletter? No
Do you have a Club Kit? No
Does the Club have a Safeguarding/Welfare contact? Yes
This is a closed club for Royal Navy.