British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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British Orienteering Championships (UKOL), 05/05/2019

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
UKOL 1 (M21) (length: 16km, climb: 655m, 26 controls)

Other courses: 2 | UKOL 3 (M18,M20,M35) | UKOL 4 (M40,W21) | 5 | UKOL 6 (W18,W20,W35,W40) | 7 | UKOL 8 (M45) | UKOL 9 (M50) | UKOL 10 (M55) | UKOL 11 (M60) | UKOL 12 (W45) | UKOL 13 (M16) | UKOL 14 (M65) | UKOL 15 (W50) | UKOL 16 (M70,W55) | UKOL 17 (W16,W60) | UKOL 18 (M75,W65) | UKOL 19 (W70) | UKOL 20 (M80,W75) | UKOL 21 (M85,W80) | UKOL 22 (W85) | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27

Point calculations
1,335.56 + (54.98 x (6,471.20 - T)) / 1,175.20
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alasdair McLeodFVOM199001:24:281401
2Alexander ChepelinINTM199701:25:371398
3Duncan CoombsINTM198701:27:111394
4Peter Taylor-BraySNM199301:27:201393
5Ben WindsorDRONGOM199001:28:061391
6scott fraserINTM198601:28:121391
7Peter HodkinsonINTM199101:28:191390
8Matthew ElkingtonODM199501:29:541386
9William GardnerODM199301:30:161385
10Joe WoodleyLOCM199601:30:351384
11Nathan LawsonODM199701:30:501383
12Alistair MassonINTM199701:30:561383
13Ben MitchellSBOCM199301:31:421381
14Matthew SpeakeEBORM198301:32:271379
15Dane BlomquistBAOCM199801:32:311379
16Duncan BirtwistleMDOCM199201:35:041371
17Oliver JohnsonSYOM197801:35:081371
18Richard RobinsonNOCM198101:35:211371
19Adam PotterBOKM199501:36:021369
20Aidan SmithINTM199501:37:521364
21Nick BarrableSYOM197401:39:361359
22Iain HardingINVOCM198701:39:401359
23Ben StevensINTM198701:41:421353
24Matthew VokesDRONGOM199201:42:101352
25Steve BirkinshawWCOCM196801:42:501350
26Jonathan MalleyNATOM199201:43:401347
27Alistair ThorntonFVOM199601:45:201343
28Joe ThomasSYOM199801:49:241331
29Tom DobraTVOCM199201:49:411330
30John OckendenDRONGOM199401:50:101329
31Tom BraySNM198601:50:401328
32Richard PurkisAROSM199301:52:361322
33Calvin RoutledgeSROCM196801:54:461316
34Thomas EntwistleODM199501:55:071315
35Samuel FieldingBOFM199801:55:201315
36Connor SmithEPOCM199901:55:441313
37Scott CollierKERNOM198601:58:361305
38Yordan KolevSLOWM198702:10:581271
39Tom FellbaumMDOCM199202:11:061270
40Samuel DrinkwaterERYRIM199402:11:141270
41Mark BurleyMDOCM198702:11:171270
42Noah HowlettBOFM199802:12:311266
43James ErringtonHHM199702:14:041262
44Andrew LindsayAROSM199402:14:131262
45Craig LucasLOGM199702:24:511232
46Tom MacKenzieSOM199202:24:541232
47Dan LewingtonMVM198502:37:031197
48David ThomasBKOM199502:53:451151
Showing results 1 - 48 of 48