British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
2549 -8 Anthony Barrable RAFO 1944 M 5209 864, 884, 903, 853, 842, 863
2552 -13 Julie Laverock MDOC 1968 F 5207 891, 834, 835, 918, 867, 862
2552 -8 Joshua Ho Kiu Au SLOW 2004 M 5207 1279, 1314, 1339, 1275
2554 -9 Nicholas Barnes PFO 1980 M 5206 1016, 1061, 1025, 1044, 1060
2555 -9 Fran Loots TAY 1959 F 5205 1041, 1029, 1059, 1077, 999
2556 -8 Julia Loring SOC 1960 F 5199 871, 839, 858, 833, 835, 963
2557 -7 Ruth Walker WCOC 2007 F 5197 941, 1018, 1001, 1163, 1074
2557 -70 Russ Fauset HOC 1947 M 5197 858, 871, 855, 906, 833, 874
2557 +21 Jamie Wilson ELO 1960 M 5197 848, 865, 854, 907, 861, 862
2560 -9 Joe Barrett SO 1963 M 5196 1124, 1074, 943, 1066, 989
2560 -58 Sue Toomer QO 1955 F 5196 809, 894, 881, 867, 835, 910
2562 -10 Marc Roberts MV 1962 M 5194 984, 1059, 1035, 1090, 1026
2563 +13 Jim Munday BKO 1943 M 5191 830, 980, 843, 841, 833, 864
2564 -9 Anne Darlington ERYRI 1955 F 5189 854, 809, 962, 852, 900, 812
2565 -9 Nigel Morris WIM 1959 M 5188 864, 901, 837, 931, 804, 851
2565 -9 George Engelhardt MV 1951 M 5188 868, 866, 884, 829, 859, 882
2567 -9 Gavin Avey-Hebditch WSX 1959 M 5187 811, 835, 933, 908, 849, 851
2568 -8 Ann Armistead DVO 1949 F 5182 866, 852, 885, 855, 852, 872
2568 +16 Denis Murphy DEE 1946 M 5182 869, 952, 820, 805, 843, 893
2570 -18 Liz Stradling BKO 1956 F 5181 831, 877, 906, 885, 840, 842
2571 -9 Harry Lowe WCH 1960 M 5179 884, 874, 868, 988, 764, 801
2572 -9 Brian Curtis BOK 1951 M 5174 837, 889, 873, 908, 828, 839
2572 -9 Peter Dargue LEI 1954 M 5174 853, 868, 869, 892, 841, 851
2574 -8 Alastair Houlding SOS 1964 M 5173 935, 865, 856, 840, 822, 855
2574 -8 Sophie Blundell SOC 1997 F 5173 1020, 1008, 1010, 1043, 1092
Showing rows 2551 - 2575 of 4956