British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
2576 -8 Marcus White SOC 1967 M 5172 1076, 1065, 1090, 978, 963
2577 -8 Mark Dawson CLOK 1965 M 5170 836, 853, 927, 874, 852, 828
2578 -8 Mick Sadler HOC 1949 M 5169 864, 874, 841, 863, 848, 879
2579 -7 Jeremy Geere HOC 1962 M 5162 915, 911, 887, 795, 884, 770
2579 -7 Rachel Alexander OD 1957 F 5162 858, 877, 883, 874, 832, 838
2581 -7 Rosie Walklin TVOC 1959 F 5161 907, 829, 832, 868, 890, 835
2582 -73 Peter Guillaume SYO 1949 M 5159 856, 886, 913, 812, 815, 877
2582 -7 Vic Knight NOC 1957 M 5159 789, 829, 856, 914, 866, 905
2584 -5 Andy Portsmouth LEI 1955 M 5149 862, 862, 880, 853, 843, 849
2585 -5 Gwen Rea WCOC 1952 F 5148 894, 835, 871, 844, 872, 832
2585 -5 Joanna Schreiber CLOK 1965 F 5148 910, 913, 832, 794, 903, 796
2587 +395 Gerard Meehan NWOC 1957 M 5145 944, 834, 778, 799, 918, 872
2588 -6 John Collyer GO 1945 M 5140 894, 845, 841, 846, 851, 863
2588 -880 alan jones BKO 1967 M 5140 962, 1044, 1041, 1025, 1068
2590 -5 Charlotte Wicks WAOC 1974 F 5130 865, 820, 891, 829, 821, 904
2591 -5 Barbara Farr POTOC 1943 F 5128 848, 844, 854, 890, 837, 855
2591 -5 Diana McClure SBOC 1950 F 5128 744, 929, 868, 893, 807, 887
2593 -1126 Alex Dutton SLOW 1973 M 5126 1308, 1256, 1297, 1265
2594 -46 Judith Filmore LOC 1958 F 5124 835, 824, 855, 887, 886, 837
2594 +470 Agnes Brooke WSX 2003 F 5124 791, 1068, 1108, 1070, 1087
2596 -8 Maureen Webb LEI 1953 F 5123 855, 838, 850, 866, 846, 868
2597 -8 Mike Cox AIRE 1950 M 5122 1041, 1005, 1004, 1042, 1030
2597 -15 Philip May OD 1952 M 5122 879, 863, 821, 863, 864, 832
2597 -8 Alan Mullock DEE 1946 M 5122 905, 861, 800, 833, 876, 847
2600 -9 Susan Hooper HH 1954 F 5121 855, 850, 845, 870, 855, 846
Showing rows 2576 - 2600 of 4956