British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
3051 -3 Marika Chandler DEVON 1978 F 4092 994, 1018, 1069, 1011
3052 -3 Ginny Anderson PFO 1956 F 4089 711, 792, 907, 859, 820
3053 -3 Helene Lecomte EBOR 1978 F 4088 1045, 1029, 1027, 987
3054 +277 Christopher Kemp DEE 1954 M 4084 847, 834, 854, 794, 755
3055 -4 Dane Blomquist SN 1996 M 4080 1356, 1374, 1350
3056 -4 Michael Doherty INT 1995 M 4078 1082, 1002, 1047, 947
3057 -2 Isla Cheyne FVO 2008 F 4068 955, 1047, 1052, 1014
3058 -2 Anthony Covey-Crump SLOW 1974 M 4064 1039, 957, 991, 1077
3059 -2 Susan Twissell INT 1967 F 4061 739, 762, 869, 863, 828
3060 -2 James Hoad DRONGO 1992 M 4060 1319, 1384, 1357
3061 -2 Edmund Grobel SAX 1979 M 4056 1125, 1020, 810, 1101
3062 -2 Marion Shipman LOK 1961 F 4054 719, 663, 721, 703, 628, 620
3063 -2 Gemma Shaw TVOC 1996 F 4051 1043, 1015, 994, 999
3064 -2 Sarah Elliott SYO 1983 F 4047 910, 623, 743, 866, 905
3065 -2 Paul Channing SOC 1957 M 4038 880, 813, 803, 725, 817
3065 -411 Susan Buxton LEI 1964 F 4038 952, 1029, 991, 1066
3067 -3 David Crout WCOC 1967 M 4037 1081, 855, 993, 1108
3068 -2 Jen Gale DVO 1946 F 4035 672, 707, 681, 708, 632, 635
3069 -2 Toby Cazzolato EUOC 2004 M 4028 1343, 1367, 1318
3070 -1 Tom Barkas LOC 1948 M 4025 910, 841, 719, 794, 761
3071 -1 Catherine Balcombe CLARO 1980 F 4009 830, 766, 720, 839, 854
3072 -1 Sarah Bryce NGOC 1969 F 4008 804, 820, 704, 805, 875
3073 Gary Harris-Deans SOC 1967 M 4007 1014, 1046, 1032, 915
3074 Alan Starling NGOC 1955 M 4004 820, 772, 719, 797, 896
3075 +1 Geoffrey Millan MDOC 1944 M 3993 829, 844, 857, 707, 756
Showing rows 3051 - 3075 of 4956