British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
3424 -8 Paul Oldfield BAOC 1956 M 3080 1059, 1037, 984
3427 -8 Thomas Wood SOS 2008 M 3079 936, 1119, 1024
3428 -6 Gen Mullens BKO 2008 F 3072 650, 535, 601, 716, 570
3429 -6 Simon Moss SLOW 1965 M 3070 1023, 1047, 1000
3430 -27 David Nisbet ESOC 1956 M 3060 984, 1052, 1024
3431 -7 Adrian Thiemicke DEE 1965 M 3057 1091, 998, 968
3432 -7 Douglas Henderson RR 1951 M 3053 974, 1049, 1030
3433 -7 Holly Hughes WCH 1999 F 3049 1009, 1010, 1030
3434 -7 Jessica Stanfield SOC 1964 F 3046 1039, 1029, 978
3435 -7 Debbie Thompson BL 1956 F 3045 1059, 1024, 962
3436 -7 Annie Jenkinson SROC 1998 F 3039 1028, 1021, 990
3437 -7 Elena Kippin TVOC 2002 F 3037 1072, 992, 973
3438 -7 Steve Allen SLOW 1956 M 3034 982, 1028, 1024
3439 -7 Anna Methven BKO 2003 F 3033 921, 1094, 1018
3439 -7 Jill Green DEVON 1944 F 3033 865, 718, 618, 832
3441 -7 Lee Ludlow SN 1984 M 3028 966, 1023, 1039
3442 -7 Robert Neil FVO 1957 M 3024 1007, 931, 1086
3443 -7 Richard Daykin WCOC 1971 M 3020 984, 973, 1063
3444 -7 Peta Jarvis LEI 2001 F 3015 1016, 962, 1037
3445 -7 Derek Herd LEI 1968 M 3013 1000, 1009, 1004
3446 -7 Marcus Bateman SUFFOC 1965 M 3008 919, 1059, 1030
3447 -7 Alastair Moir SOC 1954 M 3007 1056, 953, 998
3447 -7 Kate Nevett GO 1963 F 3007 587, 700, 928, 792
3447 -7 Ellen Smith LVO 2001 F 3007 1109, 944, 954
3450 -7 Robert McCaffrey MV 1967 M 3001 967, 947, 1087
Showing rows 3426 - 3450 of 4956