British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
3925 -15 Davina Dalton TVOC 1964 F 1993 751, 620, 622
3927 -15 Martin Sadler SROC 1963 M 1991 994, 997
3928 -15 David Anderson TAY 1965 M 1989 1034, 955
3929 -15 Ian Goodwin SO 1955 M 1988 642, 607, 739
3930 -15 Kate Williams TVOC 1949 F 1987 581, 848, 558
3931 -15 Rhona Fraser BAOC 2001 F 1984 967, 1017
3932 -15 Punaj THAPA BAOC 1991 M 1983 501, 780, 702
3933 -15 Richard Thom HOC 1979 M 1982 1029, 953
3934 -15 Guy Lingford MDOC 1957 M 1980 1019, 961
3935 -15 David Watkins BADO 1958 M 1979 1059, 920
3936 -15 Martin Gibbons WRE 1949 M 1977 725, 629, 623
3937 -15 Stephen Bell LOC 1965 M 1974 1047, 927
3937 -15 Calah Norris HOC 1979 F 1974 1022, 952
3939 -15 Robin Carter DEVON 1960 F 1971 949, 1022
3940 -13 Hannah Mackinnon WSX 1989 F 1959 986, 973
3941 -13 Matthew Fautley NGOC 1966 M 1958 939, 1019
3941 -13 Christina Downham LOC 1990 F 1958 1060, 898
3943 -13 David Lumby SOS 1961 M 1957 978, 979
3943 -13 Katie Reynolds SBOC 1994 F 1957 967, 990
3945 -12 Peter Williams TVOC 1954 M 1956 965, 991
3946 -12 Alex Shaw TVOC 1986 M 1952 900, 1052
3947 -12 Poppy Heap MDOC 1995 F 1951 958, 993
3948 -11 Henriette Blum BOF 1970 F 1949 997, 952
3948 -11 Lizzie Irvine ERYRI 1984 F 1949 995, 954
3950 -11 Andrew Robertson SARUM 1969 M 1947 392, 704, 851
Showing rows 3926 - 3950 of 4956