British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
4001 -16 Barry McElearney SO 1965 M 1852 802, 1050
4002 -16 Anthony McGonigle NWOC 1953 M 1848 829, 1019
4003 -16 Kirsten Williams DVO 1953 F 1845 692, 539, 614
4004 -16 Ekaterina Laenko TVOC 1970 F 1843 492, 651, 700
4005 -16 Keith Banham TVOC 1958 M 1842 988, 854
4006 -16 Karen Jones SLOW 1961 F 1838 931, 907
4006 +227 Christine Athorne STAG 1957 F 1838 513, 356, 351, 618
4006 -16 Martin Farr DVO 1966 M 1838 929, 909
4009 -17 Rowena Browne SROC 1962 F 1837 1064, 773
4010 -17 Tony Stirland SYO 1973 M 1835 907, 928
4011 +744 Anna Szkutnik MAROC 1982 F 1831 812, 1019
4011 -17 Mark Peplow BL 1973 M 1831 913, 918
4013 -18 Alan Peters KERNO 1953 M 1830 938, 892
4013 -18 Nicola Mort BKO 1987 F 1830 935, 895
4015 -482 John Elliott EPOC 1961 M 1828 863, 965
4016 -17 Janet Walton INVOC 1964 F 1823 1017, 806
4016 -17 Adam Harris BOF 1987 M 1823 706, 1117
4018 -516 Donald Smith TAY 1951 M 1820 945, 875
4019 -17 Cathie Walsh BOK 1966 F 1819 464, 727, 628
4020 -17 Claire Leitch SO 1965 F 1818 923, 895
4020 -17 Richard Sewell BL 1954 M 1818 849, 969
4022 -17 Jean Bell LOC 1963 F 1817 922, 895
4023 -17 David Mylett LOG 1951 M 1815 963, 852
4023 -17 CLIFFORD WOOLFORD SO 1954 M 1815 838, 977
4025 -17 Richard Shaw CLARO 1973 M 1813 943, 870
Showing rows 4001 - 4025 of 4956