British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
4926 -11 Irene Petersen LOK 1965 F 533 533
4927 -11 Anne Jones WCH 1956 F 532 532
4928 -11 Christopher Weetman NATO 1979 M 528 528
4929 -11 Gillian Thomlinson SOC 1947 F 526 526
4930 -11 Lorraine Breyley DEVON 1973 F 509 509
4931 -11 Lucile MacLeod FVO 1941 F 506 506
4932 -11 Mike Thorpe EPOC 1941 M 499 499
4932 -11 Victoria GARTON MV 1979 F 499 499
4934 -11 Jeffrey Edwards LEI 1946 M 498 498
4935 -11 Joanna Treasure SELOC 1961 F 497 497
4936 -11 Stephen Nightingale HOC 1948 M 488 488
4937 Dick Carmichael TINTO 1948 M 486 486
4938 -12 Anita Laird BL 1944 F 480 480
4939 -12 Graham Urquhart OD 1954 M 460 460
4940 -12 Pat Hart DEVON 1943 F 436 436
4940 -12 justin kimber DEVON 1964 M 436 436
4942 -12 Joan Norris HOC 1950 F 425 425
4943 -12 Hilary Scott BASOC 1953 F 376 376
4944 -12 Joy Mellor EPOC 1945 F 369 369
4945 -12 Julia Robertson QO 1953 F 356 356
4946 -12 Susan Oates DVO 1955 F 340 94, 246
4947 -12 Gary Dearmer SOS 1959 M 339 339
4948 -12 Roger Green DEVON 1943 M 311 311
4949 -12 Christine Williams SYO 1956 F 278 278
4950 -12 Tina Brindley NOC 1962 F 256 256
Showing rows 4926 - 4950 of 4956