British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
5101 -23 Stephanie Duensing TVOC 1983 F 371 371
5102 -122 Nev Myers EBOR 1957 M 341 341
5103 -24 Gary Dearmer SOS 1959 M 339 339
5104 -24 Roger Green DEVON 1943 M 311 311
5105 PRASHANT RAI BAOC 1998 M 294 294
5106 -25 Tina Brindley NOC 1962 F 256 256
5107 -25 David Nixon SOC 1944 M 246 246
5108 -25 Trish Wallis SN 1952 F 199 199
5109 -25 Peter Bylett HOC 1944 M 173 173
5110 -25 Susan Oates DVO 1955 F 94 94
5111 Alison Bennion BAOC 1973 F 89 89
Showing rows 5101 - 5111 of 5111