British Orienteering

Current ranking positions

Each runner has a “ranking”, which is the sum of their best six scores in the previous 12 month period.
Rankings are published on the British Orienteering website as seen below.

Pos. Name Club YOB M/F Points Contributing scores
1425 -5 Chris Millard DVO 1982 M 6456 1288, 1331, 1265, 1293, 1279
1427 -6 Helen Le Page SN 1976 F 6455 1077, 1060, 1078, 1096, 1084, 1060
1428 -5 Aly Brook PFO 1985 F 6453 1067, 1095, 1102, 1062, 1070, 1057
1429 -8 Richard Rogers WRE 1962 M 6451 1046, 1069, 1142, 1052, 1083, 1059
1430 -59 Louise Dunn SROC 1960 F 6450 1095, 1039, 1083, 1090, 1046, 1097
1430 -5 Elanor McNamara AYROC 1975 F 6450 1054, 1061, 1111, 1146, 1063, 1015
1430 -5 Hanne Bown KERNO 1982 F 6450 1113, 1059, 1094, 1092, 1012, 1080
1433 -6 Peter Woods WAOC 1957 M 6447 1067, 1069, 1060, 1057, 1082, 1112
1433 -6 Cliff Etherden LOC 1948 M 6447 1083, 1059, 1059, 1072, 1071, 1103
1435 -5 Steve Smirthwaite MOR 1958 M 6446 1052, 1043, 1096, 1076, 1065, 1114
1435 -5 Hannah Wicks WAOC 2005 F 6446 1056, 1074, 1027, 1069, 1068, 1152
1437 -5 Neil Studd SLOW 1986 M 6445 1046, 1033, 1100, 1061, 1095, 1110
1438 -5 Lindsey Bayles LOC 1961 F 6444 1063, 1076, 1076, 1078, 1095, 1056
1439 -4 Paul Prudhoe SO 1953 M 6442 1074, 1063, 1083, 1077, 1062, 1083
1439 -4 Iris Lueke SLOW 1976 F 6442 1093, 1098, 1058, 1090, 1046, 1057
1441 -4 Aimee Darley SN 2003 F 6441 1030, 1061, 1125, 1062, 1070, 1093
1441 -53 Richard Towler LOC 1949 M 6441 1055, 1052, 1070, 1076, 1094, 1094
1441 -4 Mike Kipling TAY 1967 M 6441 1047, 1080, 1084, 1061, 1101, 1068
1444 -4 John Orton NWO 1954 M 6439 1097, 1089, 1053, 1060, 1076, 1064
1444 -4 Colin Hicks SOC 1952 M 6439 1068, 1081, 1064, 1074, 1089, 1063
1446 -4 Neil Frankum BKO 1969 M 6438 1110, 1047, 1046, 1096, 1091, 1048
1447 -4 Martin Wilson BKO 1947 M 6437 1057, 1072, 1090, 1075, 1058, 1085
1447 -4 Roger Richards WCH 1947 M 6437 1070, 1062, 1083, 1057, 1102, 1063
1449 -4 Iryna Bogachova AYROC 1977 F 6436 1078, 1063, 1075, 1066, 1070, 1084
1450 -4 Paul Bryce NGOC 1970 M 6434 1114, 1048, 1051, 1036, 1167, 1018
Showing rows 1426 - 1450 of 4956