British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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NOR - Broadland Country Park YB heat, 09/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Brown (length: 8km, climb: 35m, 27 controls)

Other courses: Blue | Green | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
1,154.10 + (80.76 x (5,191.63 - T)) / 1,042.03
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Ben BethellNORM197901:05:351251
2Gareth RadcliffeSUFFOCM198001:09:001236
3Daniel CowleyNORM198101:14:021212
4Thomas BartramNORM200101:17:071198
5Joshua OvertonNORM199501:18:581189
6Maciej JablonskiWAOCM197901:24:501162
7Jonathan GilbertNORM195901:37:431102
8Michael ChoppingRAFOM195901:51:481037
9Matt EatonWAOCM198601:52:081035
-Roger GoodingSOSM197401:22:36
Showing results 1 - 10 of 10