British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Eirias Park - (New Date), 09/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 4.5km, climb: 50m, 29 controls)

Other courses: Orange | Yellow | White

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Matthew FortesERYRIM197600:22:39
2Chris NearERYRIM00:24:52
3Ian JonesERYRIM196800:29:54
4Marty JonesERYRIM200800:29:56
5Olwen BainesERYRIF200900:32:21
6Mike SnellERYRIM195600:33:06
7Matt BrierleyERYRIM198200:33:27
8Arabella MonotoroF00:34:23
9Lizzie IrvineERYRIF00:35:20
10Jim WoodERYRIM00:38:26
11Jim Katy00:38:37
12Nicky BeebyERYRIF198300:40:51
13Mike DrakeINDM00:42:32
14David NevellM00:44:46
15Llewelyn WilliamsERYRI00:45:02
16Tony GreenhalghDEEM196200:45:15
17Cari NewnesF00:49:00
18Esyllt AllmanF00:49:03
19Geoffrey WoolfendenDEEM195300:49:49
20James SmithDEEM194701:04:59
21Isabel JonesERYRIF200101:33:35
22Deanna RogersINDF01:39:15
23Naomi RogersINDF01:39:16
24Harvey RogersINDM01:39:20
-Chris NearERYRIM00:12:54
-Esyllt AllmanF00:31:05
Showing results 1 - 26 of 26