British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Sarum Saunter and Southern Championships (UKOL), 09/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
UKOL 9 (M70,W16,W60) (length: 5.8km, climb: 125m, 14 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 1 (M21) | UKOL 2 (W21) | UKOL 3 (M18,M20,M35,M40) | UKOL 4 (M45,M50) | UKOL 5 (M55,W18,W20,W35) | UKOL 6 (M60,W40) | UKOL 7 (M16,W45,W50) | UKOL 8 (M65,W55) | UKOL 10 (M75,W65) | UKOL 11 (M80,W70) | UKOL 12 (W75) | UKOL 13 (M85,W80) | UKOL 14 (W85) | UKOL 15 | 16 Light Green | 17 Orange | 18 Yellow | 19 White

Point calculations
1,020.02 + (82.83 x (4,178.92 - T)) / 825.15
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Alun JonesTVOCM195400:47:401152
2Lewis ClaytonBAOCM199400:48:091150
3Gavin CleggWSXM195500:50:291135
4Philip EelesSOCM195500:52:001126
5Mike ChristopherWIMM195500:53:241118
6Alan RosenHHM195500:53:461116
7James CrawfordGOM195500:54:191112
8Keith BennettDFOKM197200:55:281105
9Colin DicksonBAOCM195500:56:341099
10Mark GlaisherSAXM195100:56:511097
11Ginny HudsonNGOCF196200:57:011096
12Eden PigottPOTOCF201000:57:20
13Axel BlomquistSNM195200:57:301093
14John SimmonsBOKM195100:58:151089
15Emily LeathwoodBOKF200900:58:271087
16Woo AllenSNF196500:59:041084
17Kate BrettBAOCF196500:59:141083
18Ian ProwseNGOCM195200:59:561079
19Julian HartwellSOCM195501:00:481073
20Don McKerrowSLOWM195201:01:101071
21Suzanne HardingNGOCF196401:02:191064
22Charlotte LovegroveSNF200901:03:471055
23David PotterBOKM196201:03:551055
24Jon DarleyGOM196601:04:351051
25Gerry AllanBAOCM196701:05:251046
26Joe HouseSOM195401:05:531043
27Ray ToomerQOM195401:06:061041
28Emma HeckfordWSXF201001:06:37
29David PillingBOKM196601:07:161034
30Isabelle TongeBOKF200901:07:251033
31Doug GreenwoodSOCM197301:08:291027
32Lucy PatonSNF196101:08:511025
33Alison SmithTVOCF196401:11:221010
34Alistair LovegroveSNM197201:13:09999
35Bernie NewittSOCF196501:14:20992
36Mikhail GryaznevichTVOCM195401:14:34990
37Robin SmithSOM195201:15:07987
38Elizabeth BalstonSARUMF200901:16:12981
39Chris JohnsonBOKM195301:18:49965
40Jackie ButtSARUMF196301:19:17962
41hannah agombarNGOCF201001:19:38
42Norman WilsonSOCM195101:19:48959
43Jane LambertSOF196001:20:15956
44Martin ThirkellSARUMM197001:20:45953
45John ChestersDEVONM195101:21:41948
46Jim NickollsQOM196801:22:02945
47Nick HeckfordWSXM196801:22:54940
48Fiona CloughBKOF196201:23:28937
49Colin HicksSOCM195201:24:00934
50Susan CrickmoreSOF196201:24:14932
51Caroline PotterBOKF196201:24:21931
52Viv HodsonHHF196401:26:53916
53Allan DarwellBOKM195101:31:28889
54Nikolay YanevSLOWM197301:31:33888
55Katherine PikeWIMF196301:37:09854
56Carolyn DentBOKF196201:54:01753
57Ali WhiteBOKF196401:55:19745
-Mick HunterNWOM195501:01:19
-Sesu MpalaBAOCF199001:42:39
Showing results 1 - 59 of 59