British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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CompassSport Cup Heat, 23/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
10 Super Vet Short green (length: 2.7km, climb: 105m, 9 controls)

Other courses: 1 Brown | 2 Short Brown | 3 Blue Women | 4 Blue Men | 5 Green Women | 6 Green Men | 7 Veterans Short Green | 8A Junior Men (Green) | 8B Junior Women (Short Green) | 9A Orange | 9B Orange | Light Green | Yellow
Point calculations
914.33 + (85.19 x (3,216.73 - T)) / 611.13
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Gill BerrowECKOF195500:38:231042
2Neil McLeanGRAMPM194300:44:04994
3Janice NisbetESOCF195300:44:34990
4Lynne WalkerBASOCF195300:46:49971
5Oonagh GrassieGRAMPF195500:47:37964
6Dave McQuillenSOLWAYM194300:48:28957
7Tim SowoodINVOCM194400:48:30957
8Pauline McAdamKFOF195500:50:58936
9Margaret DalgleishESOCF195200:51:57928
10Sheila StrainELOF194800:52:15926
11Lindsey HensmanFVOF194800:54:05910
12Mary WilliamsESOCF195101:01:19850
13Bill MelvilleTAYM194001:02:49837
14Ian PyrahESOCM194401:03:22833
15Eleanor PyrahESOCF194401:03:44830
16Peter CraigMAROCM194501:04:54820
17Katharine MelvilleTAYF194301:10:28773
18rhona fraserESOCF195401:12:27757
19Jo CummingBASOCF194601:19:22699
20Moira LawsTAYF194201:30:40604
21Gordon HallBASOCM194402:48:49
-Liz GodfreeFVOF194800:58:18
Showing results 1 - 22 of 22