British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Sarum Saunter and Southern Championships (UKOL), 09/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
UKOL 11 (M80,W70) (length: 4.1km, climb: 90m, 10 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 1 (M21) | UKOL 2 (W21) | UKOL 3 (M18,M20,M35,M40) | UKOL 4 (M45,M50) | UKOL 5 (M55,W18,W20,W35) | UKOL 6 (M60,W40) | UKOL 7 (M16,W45,W50) | UKOL 8 (M65,W55) | UKOL 9 (M70,W16,W60) | UKOL 10 (M75,W65) | UKOL 12 (W75) | UKOL 13 (M85,W80) | UKOL 14 (W85) | UKOL 15 | 16 Light Green | 17 Orange | 18 Yellow | 19 White

Point calculations
875.64 + (71.80 x (3,715.86 - T)) / 570.42
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Janet RosenHHF195500:45:39999
2Julie ClearyLOKF196400:49:29970
3Jasmine BennettSOF195300:53:53936
4Ian PeirceSARUMM194400:55:05927
5Tim HoulderWSXM195700:55:28924
6Rebecca MedlockWSXF197400:55:59921
7Carol SandsBOKF195100:59:00898
8Paul NewbySOCM194400:59:33894
9Frank InceSWOCM194201:00:28887
10John PearceDEVONM194401:01:45877
11Lesley WardSYOF196901:04:11859
12Julie K AstinWSXF195301:05:15851
13Graham PearsonQOM196101:05:21850
14Tina StratfordWSXF197101:06:17843
15Caroline ChristopherWIMF195101:11:39802
16Howard ThomasBOKM194501:13:22789
17Roger CraddockQOM194101:14:59777
18Sue ToomerQOF195501:17:53755
19Nicola HarveyWIMF197201:24:33705
20Denise MullinsSARUMF195101:29:25668
21Peter DonovanM196002:02:56
-Alison SimmonsBOKF195500:48:30
-Christine VinceKERNOF195301:19:21
Showing results 1 - 23 of 23