British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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EBOR Regional Event & Yvette Baker Trophy Heat, 09/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3.5km, 12 controls)

Other courses: Green | Orange | Yellow | White

Point calculations
Not enough ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Samuel CrookAIREM201100:27:13
2Jago ReynoldsSYOM201100:33:39
3Jasper DaviesSYOM201100:36:30
4Jemma WatersSYOF201200:38:27
5Nedd HuntSYOM201200:41:00
6Beau ElliottSYOF201200:41:06
7Adrian SnowtonSYOM201200:42:37
8Matthew CrowtherM00:43:01
9Scott CarrINDM00:43:43
10Ged WatersSYOM201300:43:54
11Alexander CadmanSYOM201100:44:02
12Alex JohnsonSYOM201200:44:30
13Eliza JonesSYOF201100:48:12
14Oliver JamesAIREM201000:48:51
15Ann WatersSYOF196700:54:27
16Joseph MasonAIREM201000:55:22
17Pam BrownHALOF195900:55:49
18Kiran HornBOFM201000:56:17
19Catherine BalcombeCLAROF198001:02:08
20Victoria ToddEBORF198001:02:15
21Adrian GarrettSYOM01:02:53
22Malcolm & Haley ScottM01:04:49
23Elspeth HootonEBORF196101:10:09
24Linda KellyCLAROF195701:11:39
25Maria Van DamHALOF197001:12:27
26Tom LordINDM01:16:45
27Sarah TippleF01:28:57
Showing results 1 - 27 of 27