British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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HH Saturday Series - Stanborough, 08/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Light Green (length: 3.4km, climb: 65m, 15 controls)

Other courses: Short Blue | Orange | Yellow | White

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Darrio Mukyiu TamM201200:25:58
2Stu LeveneHHM196900:27:19
4Ian ByfordHHM195800:28:24
5Hedley CalderbankHHM195100:28:45
6Alice ElderHHF198300:28:54
7Andrew MarwickHHM200400:29:11
8Sebastian ElderHHM201300:29:27
9Alun RobertsBAOCM195600:30:47
10Susan BrownHHF198600:31:04
11Andrea HampanijadHHF197500:31:17
12Alison SaundersHHF195900:31:42
13Reuben KritemanINDM200800:34:08
14Alan BowersHHM197000:34:31
15Francis RDTVOCM201400:35:21
16Ed HartleyINDM198000:35:26
17Katie ChorltonHHF197600:36:25
18Sarah Hammond WardHHF197600:36:53
19Neil GostickHHM196200:37:06
20Gokhan TunaINDM200400:37:17
21David SaundersHHM195900:37:32
22Gillian BowersHHF197100:38:26
23Noreen IvesWAOCF195300:38:51
24Leo ZhuINDM201000:39:09
25Emma CrumpHHF196300:43:37
26Karen Cleveland MarwickHHF196100:44:19
27Katherine MarwickINDF200400:44:30
28Hugh WiltshireHHM194700:44:56
29Louis ChewINDM200800:44:59
30Kai KarunadasaINDM200800:45:02
31Aaron WinderINDM200400:45:09
32Ellie MarwickINDF200400:45:11
33Lorna MackayINDF196500:50:54
34Barbara WiltshireHHF194800:55:57
35Katka KesslerINDF195500:56:40
36Penny ParkesHHF195701:02:05
37Jennifer TaylorCHIGF194301:04:09
38Jussi SinghINDM201002:17:22
-Catherine McNeillINDF197500:37:00
-Ben KustrinINDM200800:44:02
Showing results 1 - 40 of 40