British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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BUCS individual event Birchen Edge (The EMOA League event planned for this date has been postponed), 01/03/2025

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Mens C

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Point calculations
No eligible runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubTimeEvent Points
1Ted WodgsonLUUOC00:47:49
2Joe BentallLUUOC00:58:08
3Gregory Humphrey-EvansNOTTS01:17:35
4Lander JacobsLUUOC01:22:13
5Sur AgrawalUCL01:26:06
6Zixin WangEUOC01:28:16
7Hereward HuntleyNOTTS01:35:11
8Joshua HumbyUBOC01:41:58
9Andrew UrquhartEUOC01:46:03
10Ernie HoEUOC01:49:47
-Ugnius Valincius retNOTTS01:23:27
-Gilad Smith retUBOC02:12:32
-Hu Xiahui retLUOC02:24:36
-E-card 2020522 ret02:57:15
-Max Hall mpUBOC01:10:37
Showing results 1 - 15 of 15