British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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MAROC Aboyne DNC, 05/02/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short (length: 3.25km, 15 controls)

Other courses: Long

 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Sam GomersallGRAMPM196100:30:08
2Nick HaleMAROCM195800:34:02
3Chris LowMAROCM196000:35:51
4Adrian WillGRAMPM197400:36:17
5Colin CranfieldMAROCM195200:39:47
6Sue BarrieF197000:40:53
7Trish CoombsF196000:43:21
8Lesley GomersallGRAMPF196200:43:24
9Ian MorrisonGRAMPM199200:43:30
10Gary MorrisonM197000:44:33
11Andy TivendaleMAROCM194600:44:50
12Bob ElderMAROCM195400:44:54
13David EssonGRAMPM197900:45:23
14Joseph O'SullivanM201400:46:01
15Scott NeweyMAROCM196900:48:10
16Matthew HumphreysGRAMPM199400:49:21
17Marie EntwistleF197500:50:16
18Pat GrahamF197000:52:33
19Jo MoneyMAROCF198400:58:28
20Jakub PoslusznyMAROCM201500:58:44
21Anna SzkutnikMAROCF198200:58:48
22Peter CraigMAROCM194501:07:18
-Paul SymmersM199000:30:07
-Matthew O’SullivanM201801:26:53
Showing results 1 - 24 of 24