British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Gillingham Urban (UKOL), 08/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
WO (length: 9.625km, climb: 60m, 24 controls)

Other courses: MO | MSV | WV | MUV | WSV | 5 | MHV | WHV | WUV | JM | JW | 7 | YJM | YJW

Point calculations
1,146.36 + (121.39 x (3,165.56 - T)) / 411.66
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Robert AshtonBAOCM198400:42:461323
2Sarah RollinsSNF197600:43:221313
3Douglas NesbitHHM197400:44:091299
4Lyra MedlockWSXF200700:46:101263
5Andrew SnellSOCM197400:46:411254
6John OakesWIMM197200:48:531215
7Simon EvansSAXM198000:49:341203
8Gary SawyerSARUMM197700:49:411201
9Maciej JablonskiWAOCM197900:49:481199
10Martin WardSYOM196700:50:201189
11Jolyon MedlockWSXM197400:51:321168
12Rachel PotterBOKF200100:53:301133
13Ross MaclaganSNM197400:53:551126
14Keith BennettDFOKM197200:54:471111
15Grace FrenchWIMF200700:57:181066
16Emma GilliesRAFOF199100:59:381025
17Helen MillerDEVONF199000:59:481022
18Gabrielle Du ToitCLYDEF199901:00:431006
19Hannah DabinettPFOF198701:11:14819
20Stephanie Du ToitBOFF200201:17:51702
Showing results 1 - 20 of 20