British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Terrain Series 9 [daytime], 01/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Short (length: 3.1km, climb: 215m, 12 controls)

Other courses: Long | Yellow
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1RIck StuartLOCM196300:54:10
2Simon TheobaldLOCM196700:58:24
3Simon FilmoreLOCM195600:58:59
4Angie HulleyLOCF196201:02:16
5Nigel HulleyLOCM195901:04:43
6Cath LeeLOCF196201:05:54
7Kevan LathamLOCM195601:08:09
8Richard John BartlettLOCM195301:09:30
9Gill BrowneLOCF195501:10:08
10Martin PowellLOCM195101:12:33
11Elodie HaslettLOCF201301:12:47
12Carol McNeillLOCF194401:13:28
13Rachel PowellLOCF196701:17:30
14Sian CalowSROCF196101:19:09
15Rach StavertLOCF196601:24:27
16Chris RobertsSROCM195601:26:51
17Anne WilsonAIREF195201:30:16
18Steve BrockbankLOCM194801:39:51
19George JacksonM201701:45:43
20Alyssa BibbyLOCF201401:54:38
21Alan HeppenstallLOCM194201:56:29
-Helen RennieWCOCF197301:08:46
-Alison HooperLOCF197301:24:55
Showing results 1 - 23 of 23