British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Sarum Saunter and Southern Championships (UKOL), 09/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
17 Orange (length: 3.7km, climb: 105m, 11 controls)

Other courses: UKOL 1 (M21) | UKOL 2 (W21) | UKOL 3 (M18,M20,M35,M40) | UKOL 4 (M45,M50) | UKOL 5 (M55,W18,W20,W35) | UKOL 6 (M60,W40) | UKOL 7 (M16,W45,W50) | UKOL 8 (M65,W55) | UKOL 9 (M70,W16,W60) | UKOL 10 (M75,W65) | UKOL 11 (M80,W70) | UKOL 12 (W75) | UKOL 13 (M85,W80) | UKOL 14 (W85) | UKOL 15 | 16 Light Green | 18 Yellow | 19 White

Point calculations
Not enough ranked runners; calculation not possible
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Hugh ScarbroughMVM201400:43:03
2Zebedee Harlock-AskewNGOCM201300:44:53
3Theodore MarsdenHHM201300:44:55
4Jacob DerembleTVOCM201200:52:34
5Lucas WatersSOM201400:53:13
6Johanne Deremble000000:53:49
7Francis MansfieldSNM201400:54:30
8Alexander Harlock-AskewNGOCM201300:56:20
9Harriet EvansSAXF201301:03:20
10Sarah Findlay000001:38:07
11Isla FindlayDFOKF201401:43:32
12Deborah SutchSOCF196501:57:07
13Roger PringSAXM194502:00:16
-Dylan GoddardQOM201401:06:04
-Heather HarveyWIMF201002:17:38
Showing results 1 - 15 of 15