British Orienteering

Achievements at orienteering events

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Devon South West League - RESCHEDULED, 02/03/2025

The results for this event, which may include additional race analysis can be found at

If there are errors in the results, please contact the Club that hosted the event.
Green (length: 4.3km, climb: 90m, 15 controls)

Other courses: Brown | Blue | Short Green | Light Green | Orange | Yellow | White
Point calculations
971.87 + (87.87 x (3,716.84 - T)) / 451.09
 NameClubGenderYear of BirthTimeEvent Points
1Jackie HallettBOKF195700:46:191155
2Nick SandersDEVONM198800:52:291082
3David PotterBOKM196200:52:471079
4Ray ToomerQOM195400:55:021053
5Ian WhiteheadDVOM195500:55:201049
6Louis AtkinsDEVONM200400:55:351046
7Bryan SmithDEVONM195200:55:401045
8Barbara KeenanDEVONF196600:57:441021
9Steve BeechKERNOM195100:57:461021
10Robin CarterDEVONF196000:58:051017
11Robert NaylorDEVONM196900:58:141015
12Anthony LloydBOKM195401:00:55984
13Laura EvansKERNOF198401:01:58972
14Jemma DavieDEVONF199001:02:08970
15David BaconDEVONM197401:02:36964
16Oliver LewisQOM200801:02:46962
17Katie SellensRNOCF198601:04:26943
18Stephen de la PerrelleDEVONM195701:07:39905
19Dave MullinsSARUMM194901:09:02889
20Carolyn DentBOKF196201:13:39835
21Paul BlochDEVONM196001:14:01831
22John ClaphamBOKM197201:14:44822
23Caroline PotterBOKF196201:14:58820
24Philip BealeDEVONM195201:17:35789
25WILF TAYLORDEVONM195101:18:29779
26Nick HeckfordWSXM196801:18:30778
27Chris MillerDEVONM196001:18:46
28John ChestersDEVONM195101:30:58633
29Martin FieldhouseINDM195501:34:27
30Joel Llewellyn-EatonINDM200401:40:34
Showing results 1 - 30 of 30